Vinicius Vielmo Cogo

LASIGE, DI, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa


vvcogo <at> fc <dot> ul <dot> pt
DI, FC/UL. Office C6.3.38.
Campo Grande. 1749 - 016.
Lisbon, Portugal.



Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Dependability, Fault Tolerance, Security.


Ongoing Projects:

  • I2DT — Intelligent Interoperable Digital Twins (ITEA-22025). Integrated Researcher.
  • ATTRACT-DIH — Digital Innovation Hub for ArTificial InTelligence and High-PeRformAnce CompuTing (EU-DEP-101083770, PRR/NGEU-774). Local Coordinator.

Past Projects:

  • SATO — Self Assessment Towards Optimization of Building Energy (EU-H2020-957128). WP-leader, Task-leader, and Integrated Researcher.
  • SMART2B — Smartness to Existing Buildings (EU-H2020-101004152). Task-leader and Integrated Researcher.
  • DiSIEM — Diversity-enhancements for Security Information and Event Management (EU-H2020-700692). Hired Researcher.
  • SUPERCLOUD — User-Centric Management of Security and Dependability in Clouds of Clouds (EU-H2020-643964). Hired Researcher.
  • BiobankCloud — Scalable, Secure Storage of Biobank Data (EU-H2020-957128). Hired Researcher.
  • TClouds — Trustworthy Clouds: Privacy and Resilience for Internet-scale Critical Infrastructure (EU-FP7-257243). Hired Researcher.
  • CloudFIT — Fault and Intrusion Tolerance for Cloud Computing (FCT-PTDC2008-108299). Hired Researcher.
  • FTH-GRID — Fault-Tolerant Hierarchical Grid Scheduling (FCT-PESSOA2009). Hired Researcher.

Current PhD Students:

  • Miracle E. Aniakor — Co-advisor, PhD in Informatics (FCUL), Advisor: Prof. Dr. Pedro Ferreira (FCUL)

Current MSc Students:

  • Ana C. G. Luís — Advisor, MSc in Informatics Engineering (MEI/FCUL), Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Alysson Bessani (LASIGE)
  • André G. M. dos Santos — Advisor, MSc in Informatics (MI/FCUL), Co-advisor: Dr. Maria Fernandes (LASIGE)
  • César A. F. Couchinho — Advisor, MSc in Information Security (MSI/FCUL), Co-advisor: Eng. José Alegria (Altice Portugal)
  • David A. C. Prates — Co-advisor, MSc in Information Security (MSI/FCUL), Advisor: Prof. Dr. Iberia Medeiros (FCUL)
  • Diogo A. N. Fernandes — Advisor, MSc in Informatics Engineering (MEI/FCUL), Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Nuno Neves (LASIGE)
  • João P. M. P. T. Rolo — Advisor, MSc in Informatics Engineering (MEI/FCUL), Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Alan Oliveira de Sá (LASIGE)
  • Luís C. A. Viana — Advisor, MSc in Informatics Engineering (MEI/FCUL)
  • Rafael G. Abrantes — Co-advisor, MSc in Informatics Engineering (MEI/FCUL), Advisor: Prof. Dr. Iberia Medeiros (FCUL)
  • Sandro J. G. P. Lopes — Advisor, MSc in Informatics (MI/FCUL)

Past Students:



Program Committee Chair:

Guest Editor:

Program Committee Member:

External Reviewer:



dos Santos, R. R., Viegas, E. K., Santin, A. O., & Cogo, V. V. (2023). Reinforcement Learning for Intrusion Detection: More Model Longness and Fewer Updates. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) 20(2), 2040-2055.

Cogo, V. V., Paulo, J., & Bessani, A. (2021). GenoDedup: Similarity-Based Deduplication and Delta-Encoding for Genome Sequencing Data. IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) 70(5), 669-681.

Mendes, R., Oliveira, T., Cogo, V. V., Neves, N., & Bessani, A. (2021). CHARON: A Secure Cloud-of-Clouds System for Storing and Sharing Big Data. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 9(4), 1349-1361.

Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2016). From Data Islands to Sharing Data in the Cloud: the Evolution of Data Integration in Biological Data Repositories. Communications and Innovations Gazette (ComInG) 1(1), 1-11.

Alves, F., Cogo, V. V., Wandelt, S., Leser, U., & Bessani, A. (2015). On-Demand Indexing for Referential Compression of DNA Sequences. PLoS ONE 10(7), e0132460.

Arantes, L., Lejeune, J., Piffaretti, M., Marin, O., Sens, P., Sopena, J., Bessani, A., Cogo, V. V., Correia, M., Costa, P., & Pasin, M. (2012). Vers une Plateforme MapReduce Tolerant les Fautes Byzantines. Technique et Science Informatiques.


Berger, C., Rodrigues, L., Reiser, H. P., Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2024). Chasing Lightspeed Consensus: Fast Wide-Area Byzantine Replication with Mercury. In Proc. of the 25th ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference.

Branco, R., Cogo, V. V., & Medeiros, I. (2024). Towards a Web Application Attack Detection System based on Network Traffic and Log Classification. In Proc. of the 19th Int. Conf. on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE).

Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2021). Brief Announcement: Auditable Register Emulations. In Proc. of the 35th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC).

Viegas, E. K., Santin, A. O., Cogo, V. V., & Abreu, V. (2020). A Reliable Semi-Supervised Intrusion Detection Model: One Year of Network Traffic Anomalies. In Proc. of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).

Viegas, E. K., Santin, A. O., Cogo, V. V., & Abreu, V. (2020). Facing the Unknown: a Stream Learning Intrusion Detection System for Reliable Model Updates. In Proc. of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA).

Santos, R. R. d., Viegas, E. K., Santin, A., & Cogo, V. V. (2020). A Long-lasting Reinforcement Learning Intrusion Detection Model. In Proc. of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA).

Abreu, V., Santin, A. O., Viegas, E. K., & Cogo, V. V. (2020). Identity and Access Management for IoT in Smart Grid. In Proc. of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA).

Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2019). Enabling the Efficient, Dependable Cloud-based Storage of Human Genomes. In Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Distributed and Reliable Storage Systems (DRSS'19).

Cogo, V. V., Bessani, A., Couto, F. M., Gama-Carvalho, M., Fernandes, M., & Esteves-Verissimo, P. (2017). How can photo sharing inspire sharing genomes?. In Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (PACBB'17).

Cogo, V. V., Bessani, A., Couto, F. M., & Verissimo, P. (2015). A High-Throughput Method to Detect Privacy-Sensitive Human Genomic Data. In Proc. of the 14th ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2015).

Bessani, A., Brandt, J., Bux, M., Cogo, V. V., Dimitrova, L., Dowling, J., Gholami, A., Hakimzadeh, K., Hummel, M., Ismail, M., Laure, E., Leser, U., Litton, J., Martinez, R., Reichel, J., Niazi, S., & Zimmermann, K. (2015). BiobankCloud: a Platform for the Secure Storage, Sharing, and Processing of Large Biomedical Data Sets. In Proc. of the 1st Int. Workshop on Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare (DMAH 2015).

Alves, F., Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2014). Indexação sob Demanda para a Compressão Referencial de Ficheiros de ADN. In Proc. of the 6th Simposio de Informatica (INFORUM).

Cogo, V. V., Nogueira, A., Sousa, J., Pasin, M., Reiser, H. P., & Bessani, A. (2013). FITCH: Supporting Adaptive Replicated Services in the Cloud. In Proc. of the 13th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS'13).

Arantes, L., Lejeune, J., Piffaretti, M., Marin, O., Sens, P., Sopena, J., Bessani, A., Cogo, V. V., Correia, M., Costa, P., Pasin, M., & Silva, F. (2011). Etude d'une Architecture MapReduce Tolerant les Fautes Byzantines. In the 20eme Rencontres francophones du parallelisme (RENPAR'11).

Bessani, A., Cogo, V. V., Correia, M., Costa, P., Pasin, M., Silva, F., Arantes, L., Marin, O., Sens, P., & Sopena, J. (2010). Making Hadoop MapReduce Byzantine FaultTolerant. In Supplement of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'10).

Gomes, V., Cogo, V. V., & Charão, A. (2009). Avaliação de estratégias de Mapeamento de Tarefas para Clusters de Computadores Heterogêneos. In Congresso Regional de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica em Engenharia (XXIII CRICTE).

Cogo, V. V., Gomes, V., Rissetti, G., & Charão, A. (2009). Análise de APIs em Javascript para Criação de Interfaces Web Ricas. In Simpósio de Informática da Região Central do RS (SIRC).

Pereira, A., Cogo, V. V., & Charão, A. (2009). Frameworks para Desenvolvimento Rápido de Aplicações Web: um Estudo de Caso com CakePHP e Django. In Workshop de Software Livre (WSL).

Cogo, V. V., Viera, M., Tesser, R., Bevilacqua, F., & Charão, A. (2008). Projeto e Implementação de um Mural Digital para Reaproveitamento de Computadores Obsoletos. In Workshop de Software Livre (WSL).


Santana, M., Cogo, V. V., & de Sá, A. O. (2024). SecScore: Enhancing the CVSS Threat Metric Group with Empirical Evidences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.08539.

Aniakor, M., Cogo, V. V., & Ferreira, P. M. (2024). A Survey on Semantic Modeling for Building Energy Management. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.11716.

Berger, C., Rodrigues, L., Reiser, H. P., Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2023). Chasing the Speed of Light: Low-Latency Planetary-Scale Adaptive Byzantine Consensus. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.15000.

Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2019). Auditable Register Emulations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.08637.


Cogo, V. V. (2020). Efficient, Dependable Storage of Human Genome Sequencing Data. Doctoral thesis. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, PT.

Cogo, V. V. (2012). Diversity in automatic cloud computing resource selection. Master's thesis. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, PT.

Cogo, V. V. (2010). Exploração e Benchmarking de uma Implementação de Map Reduce: O Caso do Hadoop na Plataforma Grid'5000. Bachelor's thesis. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), BR.


Dionísio, N., Aniakor, M., Jasiunas, Z., Cogo, V. V., & Ferreira, P. (2022). SATO Platform. SATO Project, Deliverable D2.5, 47 pages.

Cogo, V. V., Dionísio, N., Aniakor, M., Ferreira, P., & Mateus, N. (2022). Platform APIs. SMART2B Project, Deliverable D3.3, 31 pages.

Cogo, V. V., Dionísio, N., Aniakor, M., Simões, J., Sangalli, A., Silva, F., Egunjobi, O., & Ferreira, P. (2022). Integrated SATO services tool set. SATO Project, Deliverable D4.5, 24 pages.

Félix, P., Silva, F., Dias, J., Egunjobi, O., Gilabert, P., Engelbrecht, G., Cogo, V. V., & Ferreira, P. M. (2022). Interoperability between proprietary platforms and SATO platform. SATO Project, Deliverable D2.4, 13 pages.

Heiselberg, P. K., Silva, F., Willumsen, K. S., Cogo, V. V., & Ferreira, P. M. (2021). Upgrade and firmware modifications to IoT infrastructure. SATO Project, Deliverable D2.3, 20 pages.

Ferreira, P. M., Cogo, V. V., & Graça, G. (2021). Integrated self-assessment framework. SATO Project, Deliverable D3.8, 19 pages.

Cogo, V. V., Cecílio, J., Afonso, A. P., Ferreira, P., Nascimento, A., Gil, A., Ferreira, V., & Fehr, T. (2021). Description of the system architecture of the SATO platform. SATO Project, Deliverable D1.4, 36 pages.

Cogo, V. V., Ferreira, V., Gil, A., Melo, F., Ferreira, P., Graça, G., & Albuquerque, D. (2021). Concept of the SRI enabled SATO platform. SATO Project, Deliverable D2.1, 20 pages.

Cogo, V. V., Ferreira, V., Gil, A., Cecílio, J., & Ferreira, P. (2021). SATO Platform, SRI and IT Security Requirements. SATO Project, Deliverable D1.3, 41 pages.

Litton, J., Martinez, R. M., Reichel, J., Bessani, A., Cogo, V. V., Mendes, R., & Dimitrova, L. (2015). Disclosure Model. BiobankCloud Project, Deliverable D1.4, 18 pages.

Bessani, A., Mendes, R., Oliveira, T., & Cogo, V. V. (2015). Overbank Implementation and Evaluation. BiobankCloud Project, Deliverable D4.3, 40 pages.

Dowling, J., Niazi, S., Ismail, M., Grohsschmiedt, S., Berthou, G., Mendes, R., Cogo, V. V., Oliveira, T., & Bessani, A. (2015). Secure, Scalable, Highly-Available Filesystem Integrated with the Object Model and Overbank. BiobankCloud Project, Deliverable D2.4, 71 pages.

Bessani, A., Mendes, R., Cogo, V. V., Oliveira, T., Neves, N., & Fonseca, R. (2014). The Overbank Cloud Architecture, Protocols and Middleware. BiobankCloud Project, Deliverable D4.2, 85 pages.

Bessani, A., Wandelt, S., Bux, M., Starlinger, J., Leser, U., Alves, F., & Cogo, V. V. (2014). Reference-based Compression Algorithms. BiobankCloud Project, Deliverable D2.2, 94 pages.

Bessani, A., Cogo, V. V., Verissimo, P., Mendes, R., Oliveira, T., Fonseca, R., Ramos, F., & Neves, N. (2013). State of the Art and Preliminary Architecture. BiobankCloud Project, Deliverable D4.1, 75 pages.

Bessani, A., Correia, M., Cogo, V. V., Neves, N., Pasin, M., Reiser, H. P., Santos, M., Sousa, J., Verissimo, P., & Cutillo, L. A. (2013). Adaptive Cloud-of-Clouds Architecture, Services and Protocols. TCLOUDS Project, Deliverable D2.2.4, 128 pages.

Andre, F., Bessani, A., Cogo, V. V., Pasin, M., Quaresma, B., Sousa, J., Sousa, P., Verissimo, P., Basescu, C., Cachin, C., Eyal, I., Haas, R., Junker, B., Knezevic, N., Sorniotti, A., Vukolic, M., Kapitza, R., & Distler, T. (2012). Preliminary Specification of Services and Protocols of Middleware for Adaptive Resilience. TCLOUDS Project, Deliverable D2.2.2, 140 pages.


Berger, C., Rodrigues, L., Reiser, H. P., Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2023). Poster: Faster Quorums with FlashConsensus. Poster in the 28th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC).

Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2016). Efficient Storage of Whole Human Genomes. Poster in the 11th European Conf. on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Poster Presentation Award.

Cogo, V. V., & Bessani, A. (2014). BiobankCloud Platform as a Service for Biobanking. Poster in the 2nd Annual Next Generation Sequencing Data Congress.

Bari, W., Cogo, V. V., Bessani, A., Pasin, M., & Reiser, H. P. (2010). Fault & Intrusion Tolerance for Cloud Computing. Poster in the XtreemOS Summer School 2010.

Cogo, V. V., Pasin, M., & Charão, A. (2010). Running Hadoop on Grid'5000. Tutorial in the Grid'5000 Spring School 2010.


MSc in Informatics (MI), Informatics Engineering (MEI), Information Security (MSI)

  • DTI — Intrusion Detection and Tolerance (2020/21)
BSc in Informatics Engineering (LEI)

BSc in Information Technology (LTI)


[Oct 05, 2021] Brief Announcement: Auditable Register Emulations. Presented in the DISC 2021. The video is available on YouTube.

[Oct 14, 2020] LASIGE alumni in academia. Presented in the LASIGE Welcome Day 2020.

[Sep 08, 2020] Efficient, Dependable Storage of Human Genome Sequencing Data. PhD defense at Ciências ULisboa.

[Jul 09, 2020] GenoDedup: Similarity-Based Deduplication and Delta-Encoding for Genome Sequencing Data. Presented in the InfoBlender webinars of the INESC-TEC. The video is available on YouTube.

[Oct 01, 2019] Enabling the Efficient, Dependable Cloud-based Storage of Human Genomes. Presented by Alysson Bessani in the 1st Workshop on Distributed and Reliable Storage Systems (DRSS'19).

[May 29, 2019] Auditable Register Emulations. Presented in the Navtalks.

[Aug 22, 2018] Recommendation Systems and the LSH Algorithm. Presented in the 12º SeTEIC at IFF São Vicente.

[Jun 07, 2018] On the Challenges of Deduplicating Human Genomic Sequencing Data. Poster presented in the 3rd LASIGE Workshop.

[Apr 05, 2018] On the Challenges of Deduplicating Human Genomic Sequencing Data. Presented in the Informatics PhD Seminars at Ciências ULisboa.

[Apr 04, 2018] On the Challenges of Deduplicating Human Genomic Sequencing Data. Presented in the Navtalks.

[Jun 27, 2017] Bioinformatics for Informatics. Presented at IFF São Vicente.

[Jun 21, 2017] Introducing (Probabilistic) Data Structures for Big Data: Bloom Filter and LSH. Presented in the PET Palestras at UFSM.

[Jun 21, 2017] How can photo sharing inspire sharing genomes? Presented by Maria Fernandes in the PACBB'17.

[May 05, 2017] LSH: Efficiently Finding Similar Objects. Presented in the Web Applications discipline at Ciências ULisboa.

[Fev 16, 2017] Detecting Privacy-Sensitive Human Genomic Data. Presented in the Informatics PhD Seminars at Ciências ULisboa.

[Jan 18, 2017] Exact- and Near-Deduplication in the Compression of Whole Human Genomes. Poster presented in the 2nd LaSIGE Workshop.

[Nov 18, 2016] Getting Started on LSH. Presented in the Navtalks.

[Jul 12, 2016] Efficient Storage of Whole Human Genomes. PhD midterm presentation at Ciências ULisboa.

[Apr 19, 2016] Efficient Storage of Whole Human Genomes. Poster presented in the EuroSys 2016 (Poster presentation award).

[Nov 07, 2015] Genomes in the cloud: Dependable please, but affordable!. Poster presented in the 1st LaSIGE Workshop (Poster presentation award).

[Nov 06, 2015] Genomes in the cloud: Dependable please, but affordable!. Presented in the Navtalks.

[Oct 12, 2015] A High-Throughput Method to Detect Privacy-Sensitive Human Genomic Data. Presented in the WPES 2015 (co-located w/ CCS).

[Mar 11, 2015] Docker: an introduction. Presented in the SUPERCLOUD meeting at FCUL.

[Oct 16, 2014] Data Structures for Big Data: Bloom Filter. Presented in the Smalltalks at DI (FCUL).

[Apr 08, 2014] Bioinformatics for Informatics. Presented at INF-UFSM.

[Feb 12, 2014] Serializing Data with Protocol Buffers. Presented in the Smalltalks at DI (FCUL).

[Nov 01, 2013] Advanced Quinta Usage. Presented in the Navtalks.

[Oct 02, 2013] A privacy-assuring disclosure filter for genetic information. Presented at the PhD students' session of the SRDS 2013.

[Jun 04, 2013] FITCH: Supporting Adaptive Replicated Services in the Cloud. Presented in the DAIS 2013.

[May 15, 2013] An example of DNA re-identification attack. Presented in the Bioinformatics discipline of MI FCUL.

[May 13, 2013] DNA Privacy. Presented in the Smalltalks at DI (FCUL).

[Apr 24, 2013] Secure DNA alignment in the cloud. Presented in the BiobankCloud meeting at Berlin.

[Jun 01, 2012] Security in cloud computing. Presented in the SSTI seminars at Universidade Atlântica.

[Mar 27, 2012] Diversity in automatic cloud computing resource selection. MSc defense at FC/UL.

[May 17, 2011] Towards intrusion-tolerance aware scheduling policies for Cloud Computing. Presented in the Navtalks.

[Mar 04, 2011] OpenNebula hands-on in TClouds meeting. Post published on OpenNebula official blog.

[Jan 19, 2011] User-level tutorial on using OpenNebula. Hands-on presented in the TClouds meeting in Lisbon, PT.

[Dec 06, 2010] Introduction to C, in practice. Practical lectures in operating systems (SO_PL_LEI) course at FCUL.

[Sep 28, 2010] An introduction to the new Navigators testbed. Presented in the Navtalks.

[Aug 10, 2010] SSH Practical Notes. Practical notes created in partnership with Vitor Conrado Faria Gomes.

[Jun 12, 2010] Instructions to Use Quinta, the Navigators Farm. Published in the CloudFIT Wiki.

[Apr 07, 2010] Running Hadoop on Grid'5000. Tutorial presented in the Grid'5000 Spring School.

[Dec 28, 2009] Running Hadoop on Grid'5000. Published in the Grid'5000 Wiki as an user contributed tutorial.