Paulo Urbano
My Publications > By Year > 2010


Urbano, P. (2010) Estudo em Arte Scarabidae, em Investigação em Arte, editado por José Quaresma, Fernando Rosa Dias e Carlos Ramos Guadix.

Lourenço, M., Urbano, P., Teixeira, C. (2010) The First Steps of Robotic Cancan, 5th Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas Y Tecnologias de Informacion— 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications (WISA), Santiago de Compostela, pp. 594-597, 2010.

Daniel Policarpo, D., Paulo Urbano, P., Loureiro, T. (2010): Dynamic Scripting Applied to a First-Person Shooter, in  Proceedings of CISTI’2010, 5th Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas Y Tecnologias de Informacion— 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications (WISA), Santiago de Compostela, 16—19 June 2010.

Urbano, P., Monmarché, N., Gaucher, P. (2010). Collective and Mobile Robotics Inspired by Insects. Chapter 14 of Artificial Ants. From Collective Intelligence to Real-life Optimization and Beyond. Monmarché, N., Guinand, F. , Siarry, P. (editors). ISTE-Wiley.

Antunes, A., Balsa, J., Urbano, P., and Coelho, H. (2010). Exploring context permeability in multiple social networks. In Simulating Interacting Agents and Social Phenomena, pp. 77-87, Springer Japan.