Paulo Urbano
My Publications > By Year > 2008


Urbano, P. (2007) Mimetic Variations on Mimetic Stigmergic Paintings accepted to be in the Proceedings of Evolution Artificielle, Tours, October 2007, Springer Verlag. (published in 2008).

Urbano, P., Balsa J., Antunes, Luís, and Moniz L., (2008). Force versus majority: A comparison in convention emergence efficiency. In Virginia Dignum and Eric Matson, editors, Proceedings of the AAAI/COIN Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems. Technical Report WS-08-03. Published by The AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, pp 69-67.

Urbano, P., Rodrigues, D. (2008) Sistemas de Regras Aplicados a Inquéritos "Online". In Proceedings of IADIS Conferência Ibero-Americana www-Internet 2008, Lisboa, Dezembro 10-12.

Urbano, P, Rodrigues, D. (2008) Rule Based Systems Applied to Online Survey, in Proceedings of IADIS International Conference www-Internet 2008, Freiburg, October 12-15.

Urbano, P., Balsa, J., Antunes, L., Moniz, L. (2008). Efficiency of the emergence of consensus in complex networks - assessing force influence. In Proceedings of the Iberagents’08, the 7th Iberoamerican Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems. ISCTE Lisboa,  October 14 -17, 2008..

Antunes, L., Balsa, J., Urbano, P., Coelho, H. (2008). Benefits form exploiting context permeability in multiple social networks. In Proceedings of the Iberagents’08, the 7th Iberoamerican Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems. ISCTE Lisboa,  October 14 -17, 2008.

Urbano, P., Balsa, J., Antunes, L., Moniz, L. (2008). Efficiency of the emergence of consensus in complex networks - assessing force influence. In António Rocha Costa, editor, Proceedings of the BWSS/SBIA Workshop.

Urbano P., (2008). The advantage of using rule in online surveys. Revista  de Ciências de Computação, Vol.III, Ano III, 2008, Nº 3 (ISSN 1646-6330): 38-49.

Urbano, P. (2008) Swarm Exquisite-Corpses Games. Creative Intelligent Systems, Papers from the 2008 AAAI Spring Symposium, Dan Ventura, Mary Lou Maher, and Simon Colton, Program Cochairs, Technical Report SS-08-03. Published by The AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, pp 110-116.

Antunes, L., Balsa J., Urbano, P. (2008). Facing the complexity of context permeability in social simulation, Proceedings of the 1st ICC Workshop on Complexity in Social Systems, ISCTE, Lisbon, January 11-12.

Antunes, L., Balsa, J., Urbano, P., Coelho, H. (2008) Context Permeability. Proceedings of the 1st ICC Workshop on Complexity in Social Systems, ISCTE, Lisbon, January 11-12.

Antunes, L., Balsa, J., Urbano, P., Coelho, H. (2008). Benefits form exploiting context permeability in multiple social networks. In Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems.

Antunes, L., Balsa, J., Urbano, P., Coelho, H. (2008) Exploring Context Permeability in Multiple Social Networks. World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS-2008), George Mason University Fairfax (USA), July 14-17.