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Urbano, P, Rodrigues, D. (2008) Rule Based
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Urbano, P., Balsa, J., Antunes, L., Moniz, L.
(2008). Efficiency of the emergence of consensus in complex networks -
assessing force influence. In Proceedings of the Iberagents’08, the 7th
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Antunes, L., Balsa, J., Urbano, P., Coelho, H.
(2008). Benefits form exploiting context permeability in multiple social
networks. In Proceedings of the Iberagents’08, the 7th Iberoamerican Workshop
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(2008). Efficiency of the emergence of consensus in complex networks -
assessing force influence. In António Rocha Costa, editor, Proceedings of the
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Urbano, P. (2008) Swarm Exquisite-Corpses
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Technical Report SS-08-03. Published by The AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California,
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Antunes, L., Balsa J., Urbano, P. (2008). Facing the complexity of context permeability in social simulation, Proceedings of the 1st ICC Workshop on
Complexity in Social Systems, ISCTE, Lisbon, January 11-12.
Antunes, L., Balsa, J., Urbano, P., Coelho, H. (2008) Context Permeability. Proceedings of the 1st ICC Workshop on Complexity in Social Systems, ISCTE, Lisbon, January 11-12.
Antunes, L., Balsa, J., Urbano, P., Coelho, H. (2008). Benefits form exploiting context permeability in multiple social networks. In Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems.
Antunes, L., Balsa, J., Urbano, P., Coelho, H. (2008) Exploring Context Permeability in Multiple Social Networks. World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS-2008), George Mason University Fairfax (USA), July 14-17.