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Hell and Heaven

The Bad Angel and the Good Daemon!


The idea is a very simple one: each army has problems in specific board areas, white pieces in black squares and vice versa! That reminds me of the eternal struggle between Good and Evil.

Hell and Heaven

  1. All FIDE rules apply, except:
  2. White pieces at black squares, and black pieces at white squares cannot capture.
  3. The black bishop (the good demon) at c8 belongs to White and the white bishop (the bad angel) at c1 belongs to Black. This means that each bishop is moved by the other player. However their color remain unchanged, so Black (White) cannot capture the good demon (bad angel). They can be used to block the opponent and still be captured by their respective owners.
note: If you think the game turn out to be too passive, you can always increase the armies power. A possibility is to change the Rooks by Rooks+Knight pieces.

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