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Particle Collision Chess

"The 3 energy tears of the colliding Knight"


This CV was born in the basic idea that in some way, units could be transformed into each other. So, why not build all from raw energy?


Particle Collision Chess

  1. All FIDE rules apply except in the following:
  2. There is no notion of check, checkmate and stalemate. The winner is the player who captures the opponent's king.
  3. Each piece has a mass: Pawns=1, kNight=Bishop=3, Rook=5, Queen=7. King mass is irrelevant :-).
  4. Mass-Energy transformation - let c=1 in E=m.c^2

  5. When a piece takes another, the removed piece mass is transformed into energy units (e.u.). This energy is accumulated on the orthogonal ends of the column/rank's free space squares. The distribution of this energy is 1 e.u. for each direction in N->E->W->S->N->E->... rotation for black and S->W->E->N->S->W->... for white.
  6. When a piece takes another, the removed piece mass is transformed into as many energy units. This energy is ejected from the square in orthogonal directions and accumulates on squares right before it hits some other piece or some border. The first energy unit goes straight toward the player side. If there are some left, the two next energy units go Eastward and Westward. The two next go Nortward and Southward. The two next go Eastward and Westward again. The succession of energy directions are thus N,E,W,S,N,E,... for black's captures and S,W,E,N,S,W,... for white's. If the captured piece was beside some other piece or some border, some energy may accumulate on its square.
  7. A piece can only move to a square if its mass and the - possibly new - energy on that square sum to a multiple of 3, 5 or 7. The piece is then transformed into a piece of that value, thus transforming some energy into mass and destroying any remaining energy. The player may have to choose between several possibilities, eg. between a kNight and a Bishop if the sum is a multiple of 3, or between a kNight, a Bishop and a Rook if it's 15... The king does not change his form and absorbs the square energy. The game starts with all squares having zero energy.
  8. There is no promotion in the classical way. A pawn reaching the last rank is transformed into energy put on that specific square.
  9. note: since the total amount of e.u. distributed is always odd in a capture, it will always send as many energy Eastward as Westward:


        r n b q k b n r       r n b q k b n r       r n b q k b n r
        p p p p . p p p       p p p p . p p p       p p p p . p p p
        . . . . . . . .       . . . 1 . . . .       . . . 1 . . . .
        . . . . p . . . exd4  . . . . . . . . Qxd4  . . . . . . . .
        . . . O O . . .  =>   . . . p O . . .  =>   . . . Q O . . .
        . . . . . . . .       . . . . . . . .       . . . . . . . .
        O O O . . O O O       O O O . . O O O       O O O . . O O O
        R N B Q K B N R       R N B Q K B N R       R N B 1 K B N R

       1. e4 e5  2. d4 exd4
       (* 1 energy unit (e.u) goes N, black cannot do d6 or Bd6 (rule 6) *)
       3. Qxd4 (* white can move Kd1 absorving d1 energy *) Bc5
       4. Bg5 ...

        r n b q k b n r       r n b q k . n r       r n b R k b n r
        p p p p . p p p       p p p p . p p p       p p p p . p p p
        . . . 1 . . . .       . . . 3 . . . .       . . . 3 . . . .
        . . b . . . B . Bxd4  . . . . . . B . Bxd8+ . . . . . . . .
        . . . Q O . . .  =>   2 . . r O . . .  =>   2 . . r O . . .
        . . . . . . . .       . . . . . . . .       . . . . . . . .
        O O O . . O O O       O O O . . O O O       O O O . . O O O
        R N . 1 K B N R       R N . 2 K B N R       R N . 3 K B N R

       4... Bxd4 (* there are 7 e.u. to distribute, North is d6, East is
         d4 (there is a pawn is e4), South is d1, West is a4. Since 2 e.u.
         are placed in d4, they sum with the 3 e.u. of the bishop, 3+2=5,
         so it is transformed into a rook *)
       5. Bxd8 (* all 7 e.u's of d8 queen are placed in d8, plus 3 e.u
         of the bishop, sums 10 e.u, a multiple of 5, so it turns into
         a rook *) Kxd8 (* leaving 1 e.u. in e8 *)

Variants allowing more moves:

  1. A piece may walk into a charged square and redistribute the energy through the board when the sum of its mass and the energy isn't a multiple of 3, 5 or 7.
  2. A piece may be transformed into a pawn when the sum isn't a multiple of 3, 5 or 7 - as a multiple of 1.


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