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Balanced Swap Chess

"A kind of swap marsellais hype"


The evolution of swap chess. I think this is a fair and nice game for those who like marsellais 2-move feature. It's very dynamic and even if you think a piece is in a stronghold position, you're wrong!


Balanced Swap Chess

  1. All FIDE rules apply except in the following:
  2. Each move is made of a regular FIDE move and a swap move (see 3.) 
    This is valid even if the regular move is a check. 
    In white 1st move, only the regular move is done.
  3. A swap move is a two piece swap of positions. One piece is a player's piece, and the other is on a square where the 1st piece could move (if the square was empty) or take (if the square had an opponent piece)
  4. If a player cannot make the regular move or the swap, s/he looses!
  5. A white (black) pawn in the 1st (8th) row can move 2 squares forward.
  6. If due to the swap move, a pawn reaches the promotion rank, it is always the player who made the swap that decides the promotion.
  7. A check must be released in the regular move.


Sample Games

White: Joao Neto   (The Amazon Army)
Black: Ralph Betza (The Fabulous FIDES)
Result: 1-0
Date:   March 1998

      p p b n k . b p
      r p p O q . p r
      . . . . . . . .
      . . . . . . . .
      Q . . . p . . .
      . . . . . . . .
      . B O . O O B 4
      4 N O . K O N O

    R4 N B QN K B N R4

    1.   (QN)d1-c3
    1... e7-e5,      Nb8/d7
    2.   d2-d3,      Bf1/g2
    2... f7-f6,      Ra8/a7
    3.   Ng1-h3,     Bc1/b2
    3... Bf8-e7,     Ng8/e7
    4.   (QN)c3:e5,  (QN)e5/d3
    4... f6:e5,      Qd8/e7
    5.   a2-a4,      (R4)h1/h2
    5... e5-e4,      Rh8/h7
    6.   (QN)d3:d7,  (QN)d7/a4+
    6... Resigns

note: the amazon queen QN, is too strong piece for this particular CV

White: Joao Neto
Black: Bill Taylor

 1. d4             2. Nc6   f8/g7     3. Nf3  f1/g2     4. B:d4  d4/a7
 5. N:d4  d4/e2    6. f6    d8/d7     7. B:c6 a1/a2     8. Q:c6  c6/h1
 9. R:c7  c7/c2   10. d8:c7 h1/h2    11. R:a7 a7/a1    12. Q:h1  h8/h7
13. Bf4   e2/d4   14. Bh3   h7/e7    15. Kd2  b1/d2    16. Q:f1  f1/f2
17. Nb5   d1/d2   18. Q:f1  e8/f8    19. Be3  e2/e3    20. Q:e2  e2/b5
21. resigns  0-1

Final Position

   r . . . p k n p
   O p p . r . . p
   . . . . . p . .
   . q . . . . . .
   . . . . . . . .
   . . . . O . . b
   . O R Q N . . .
   R K . N . . . .

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