The main goal of our
approach is to explore new creative ways of editing and producing videos,
using evolutionary algorithms. A creative evolutionary system makes use of
evolutionary computation operators and properties and is designed to aid our
own creative processes, and to generate results to problems that
traditionally required creative people to solve. Our system is able to
generate new videos or to help a user in doing so. New video sequences are
combined and selected, based on their characteristics represented as video
annotations, either by defining criteria or by interactively performing
selections in the evolving population of video clips, in forms that can
reflect editing styles. With evolving video, the clips can be explored and
discovered through emergent narratives and aesthetics in ways that may
reveal or inspire creativity in digital art.
Figure 1: Portuguese and Brazilian music:
evolving towards singers in close-ups.
Figure 2: Evolving towards turtles in blue.
By Teresa Chambel, Luís Correia, Jônatas Manzolli,
Gonçalo Dias Miguel,
Nuno A. C. Henriques, Nuno Correia
Selection of Related Work:
Bentley, P., and D. Come. An Introduction to
Creative Evolutionary Systems. In Bentley, P., and Corne, D (eds.) Creative
Evolutionary Systems. Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.
Digital Aesthetic 2 “Does the digital have the
potential to change our perception of art?”, Conference/Exhibition/ Website,
March-September, 2007.
ISO: MPEG‑7 Overview (version 9), 2004.
M. Makela, LIVE CINEMA: Language and Elements. MA
in New Media, Media Lab, Helsinki University of Art and Design, April 2006.
Other Tc Projects