Publications @tc

by Date

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2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | early 1990s | late 1980s || Models & Systems | Awards


George Lekakos, Teresa Chambel, and Hendrik Knoche (Eds.), Special Issue on “Social Recommendation and Delivery Systems for Video and TV Content”, ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal (to appear).

Alcina Prata, and Teresa Chambel, "The Design of Flexible Video-Based Crossmedia Informal Learning Contexts Beyond iTV". In Entertainment Computing, Elsevier (to appear).

Eva Oliveira, Pedro Martins, and Teresa Chambel, "Accessing Movies Based on Emotional Impact", Special Issue on “Social Recommendation and Delivery Systems for Video and TV Content”, ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal (to appear). 

Teresa Chambel, Thibault Langlois, Pedro Martins, Nuno Gil, Nuno Silva, and Eduardo Duarte. "Content-Based Search Overviews and Exploratory Browsing of Movies with MovieClouds". In  Participatory and Social Media – Technologies, Business and Management. Special issue of IJAMC International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication, InderScience (to appear).

José Vitor Correia, Luís Romão, Susana Rosado Ganhão, Manuel Couceiro da Costa, Ana Santos Guerreiro, Diogo Pereira Henriques, Sara Garcia, Carlos Albuquerque, Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Cláudio, Teresa Chambel, Robin Burgess, Christian Marques, "A New Extended Perspective System for Architectural Drawings". In Proc. of 15th CAAD Futures'2013, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, July 3-5, 2013.


Luís A. R. Neng, and Teresa Chambel, "Get Around 360º Hypervideo: It’s Design and Evaluation". In "Ambient and Social Media Business and Applications”, Special issue of IJACI, International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, 4(4), pp.40-57, Oct-Dec 2012.

Alcina Prata, Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Personalized Content Access in Interactive TV Based Crossmedia Environments". Book chapter (12) in Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Bernard Merialdo, and Shiguo Lian (Eds.), "TV Content Analysis: Techniques and Applications", Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, An Auerbach Book, 2012. pp.331-370. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5560-7 (print) ISBN: 978-1-4398-5562-1 (eBook).

Claudio A. B. Tiellet, Teresa Chambel, Eliseo Reategui, and José Valdeni de Lima. "TV Interativa, Hipervídeo e Educação a Distância: a interação como elemento dinamizador dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem".In Martin Llamas Nistal (Ed.) Tecnologias Actuales en Información, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, 2012. pp.49-78. ISBN 978-84-8158-593-3

Gonçalo Noronha, Carlos Álvares, and Teresa Chambel, "Sight Surfers: 360º Videos and Maps Navigation". In Proceedings of GeoMM'12 ACM Multimedia 2012 workshop on Geotagging and its applications in multimedia, pp.19-22, Nara, Japan, Oct 29th-Nov 2nd, 2012.

Ana Jorge, Nuno Gil, and Teresa Chambel, "Time for a New Look at the Movies through Visualization". In Proceedings of Artech'2012 Crossing Digital Boundaries, the 6th International Conference on Digital Arts, pp.269-278, Faro, Portugal, Nov 7-9, 2012.

Jorge Gomes, Fernando Silva, and Teresa Chambel, "Genetic Soundtracks: Creative Matching of Audio to Video". In Proceedings of Artech'2012 Crossing Digital Boundaries, the 6th International Conference on Digital Arts, pp.349-352, Faro, Portugal, Nov 7-9, 2012.

Teresa Chambel, Alberto García Ariza, Gavin Perin, Mírian Tavares, José Bidarra, and Mauro Figueiredo (Eds), Artech'2012 Crossing Digital Boundaries, "Proceedings of Artech'2012 Crossing Digital Boundaries, the 6th International Conference on Digital Arts", Faro, Portugal, Nov 7-9, 2012. ISBN: 978-972-98464-7-2

Nuno Gil, Nuno Silva, Eduardo Duarte, Pedro Martins, Thibault Langlois, and Teresa Chambel, "Going Through the Clouds: Search Overview and Browsing of Movies". In MindTrek '12: Proceedings of the 16th International Academic MindTrek Conference, "Envisioning Future Media Environments", in Cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, pp.158-165, Tampere, Oct 3rd-5th, 2012.

Gonçalo Noronha, Carlos Álvares, and Teresa Chambel, "Sharing and Navigating 360º Videos and Maps in Sight Surfers". In MindTrek '12: Proceedings of the 16th International Academic MindTrek Conference, "Envisioning Future Media Environments", in Cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, pp.255-262, Tampere, Oct 3rd-5th, 2012.

João Magalhães, Sharon Strover, Teresa Chambel, Paula Viana, Teresa Andrade, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Flávio Martins, and Nuno Correia, "ImTV: Towards an Immersive TV experience". In the Future TV Workshop, adjunct Proceedings of EuroiTV'2012, the 10th European conference on Interactive tv and video, pp.140-151, Berlin, Germany, Jul 4th-6th, 2012.


Eva Oliveira, Pedro Martins, and Teresa Chambel, "iFelt: Accessing Movies Through Our Emotions". In Proceedings of EuroITV'2011: "9th International Conference on Interactive TV and Video: Ubiquitous TV", in cooperation with ACM SIGWEB, SIGMM & SIGCHI, pp.105-114, Lisbon, Portugal, June 29-July 1, 2011. BEST PAPER AWARD

In the Press: "O Futuro da TV", Quero Saber, Agosto 2011. (magazine site)

Teresa Chambel, invited keynote talk, "Getting Personal: Emotional and Cognitive Aspects in Movies, iTV and Multimedia Access". In Proceedings of SMAP' 2011, 6th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, IEEE, PP.xii, Vigo, Spain, Dec 1-2, 2011.

Alcina Prata, and Teresa Chambel, "Mobility in a Personalized and Flexible Video Based Transmedia Environment”. In Proceedings of Ubicomm’2011, The Fifth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, pp.314-320, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov 20-25, 2011.


Teresa Chambel, Maiur N. Chhaganlal, Luís A. R. Neng, "Towards Immersive Interactive Video Through 360º Hypervideo”. In Proceedings of ACE'2011, 8th International Conference on Adnavces in Computer Entertainment Late Breaking Results, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov 8-11, 2011.


Teresa Romão, Nuno Correia, Masahiko Inami, Hirokasu Kato, Rui Prada, Tsutomu Terada, Eduardo Dias, and Teresa Chambel (Eds.), "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology", ACE'2011  Lisbon, Portugal, Nov 8-11, 2011, ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011.


Teresa Chambel, Eva Oliveira, and Pedro Martins, "Being Happy, Healthy and Whole Watching Movies that Affect our Emotions". In Proceedings of ACII 2011, 4th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Springer: Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 35-45, Memphis, TN, USA, Oct 9-12, 2011. (@ ACM DL)


Pedro Martins, Thibault Langlois, and Teresa Chambel, "MovieClouds: Content-Based Overviews and Exploratory Browsing of Movies". In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek' 2011, in Cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, pp.133-140, Tampere, Finland, Sep 28-30, 2011.  


Teresa Chambel, panel member, "The Future of Academic Interaction with Media in Education and Research". In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek' 2011, in Cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, Tampere, Finland, Sep 28-30, 2011.


Eva Oliveira, Mitchel Bonovoy, Nuno Ribeiro and Teresa Chambel, "Towards Emotional Interaction: Using Movies to Automatically Learn Users' Emotional States". In Proceedings of Interact'2011 : "13th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction", pp.152-161, Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-9, 2011.


Teresa Chambel, “Towards Serendipity and Insights in Movies and Multimedia”. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Encouraging Serendipity in Interactive Systems. Interact'2011 : "13th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction", pp.12-16, Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-9, 2011.


Alcina Prata, and Teresa Chambel, "Going Beyond iTV: Designing Flexible Video-Based Crossmedia Interactive Services as Informal Learning Contexts". In Proceedings of EuroITV'2011: "9th International Conference on Interactive TV and Video: Ubiquitous TV", in cooperation with ACM SIGWEB, SIGMM & SIGCHI, pp. 65-74, Lisbon, Portugal, June 29-July 1, 2011.


Teresa Chambel and João Martinho, "Interactive Visualization and Exploration of Video Spaces through Colors in Motion". Chapter 9 in Artur Lugmayr, Heljä Franssila, Pertti Näränen, Olli Sotamaa, and Jukka Vanhala (Eds.), "Media in the Ubiquitous Era: Ambient, Social, and Gaming Media", IGI Global, pp.171-187, 2011.



Teresa Chambel, "Imagens em Movimento: o Vídeo na Ciência" (in Portuguese). Chapter 15th, in Olga Pombo e Silvia di Marco (Org.), "As Imagens com que a Ciência se Faz", Editora Fim de Seculo, ISBN: 978-972-754-279-6, pp.263-286, 2010.

Luís A. R. Neng, e Teresa Chambel, "Interfaces para Hipervídeo em 360º" (in Portuguese). Interacção’2010, 4a Conferência Nacional em Interfaces Pessoa-Máquina, IEETA, Univ. de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, 13-15 Outubro, 2010.

Alcina Prata, Nuno Guimarães, and Teresa Chambel, "Designing iTV Based Crossmedia Personalized Informal Learning Contexts". In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek'2010 : Envisioning Future Media Environments, in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, User Experience Parameters: Learning, Acceptance and Tracking track, pp.187-194, Tampere, Finland, Oct 6th-8th, 2010.

Luís A. R. Neng, and Teresa Chambel, "Get Around 360º Hypervideo". In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek'2010 : Envisioning Future Media Environments, in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, Ambient Media track, pp.119-122, Tampere, Finland, Oct 6th-8th, 2010.

Teresa Chambel, Sérgio Neves, Celso Sousa, and Rafael Francisco, "Synesthetic Video: Hearing Colors, Seeing Sounds". In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek'2010 : Envisioning Future Media Environments, in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, Ambient Media track, pp.130-133, Tampere, Finland, Oct 6th-8th, 2010.

Thibault Langlois, Teresa Chambel, Eva Oliveira, Paula Carvalho, Gonçalo Marques, and André Falcão, "VIRUS: Video Information Retrieval Using Subtitles". In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek'2010 : Envisioning Future Media Environments, in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, poster session, pp.197-200, Tampere, Finland, Oct 6th-8th, 2010.

Claudio A. B. Tiellet, André Grahl Pereira, Eliseo Berni Reategui, José Valdeni Lima, and Teresa Chambel, "Design and Evaluation of a Hypervideo Environment to Support Veterinary Surgery Learning". In Proceedings of ACM Hypertext' 2010, 21st. ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pp.213-222, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jun 13-16, 2010.

Claudio A. B. Tiellet, André Grahl Pereira, Eliseo Berni Reategui, José Valdeni Lima, and Teresa Chambel, "HVet: a Hypervideo Environment to Support Veterinary Surgery Learning" (demo). In Proceedings of ACM Hypertext' 2010, 21st. ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pp.313-314, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jun 13-16, 2010.

Alcina Prata, Nuno Guimarães, and Teresa Chambel, "Crossmedia Personalized Learning Contexts". In Proceedings of ACM Hypertext' 2010, 21st. ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pp.305-306, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jun 13-16, 2010.

Alcina Prata, Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Generation of Crossmedia Dynamic Learning Contexts from iTV". In Proceedings of EuroITV'2010, 8th. European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, in cooperation with amea, ACM SIGWEB, SIGMM, SIGCHI, 10.pgs, Tampere, Finland, Jun 9-11, 2010.

Eva Oliveira, Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Ribeiro, "A Semantic Representation of Users Emotions when Watching Videos". In Proceedings of XATA'2010, XML Aplicaçoes e Tecnologias Associadas, pp.149-158, ESEIG, Vila do Conde, Portugal, May 19-20, 2010.

Teresa Chambel, Telmo Rocha and João Martinho, "Creative Visualization and Exploration of Video Spaces". In Proceedings of Artech'2010 : Envisioning Digital Spaces, 5th International Conference on Digital Arts, pp.1-10, Guimarães, Portugal, Apr 22-23, 2010.

Eva Oliveira, Nuno Ribeiro and Teresa Chambel, "Towards Enhanced Video Access and Recommendation through Emotions". In "Brain, Body and Bytes: Psychophysiological User Interaction" Workshop, at ACM CHI'2010, 6 pgs, Atlanta, GA, USA, Apr 10-15, 2010.


João Martinho and Teresa Chambel, "ColorsInMotion: Interactive Visualization and Exploration of Video Spaces". In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek'2009 : Everyday Life in the Ubiquitous Era, in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, Ambient and Ubiquitous Media track, pp.190-197, Tampere, Finland, Sep 30th-Oct 2nd, 2009.

Eva Oliveira and Teresa Chambel, "Emotional Access and Interaction with Videos". In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek'2009 : Everyday Life in the Ubiquitous Era, in cooperations with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, pp.218-219, Tampere, Finland, Sep 30th-Oct 2nd, 2009.

David Raposo and Teresa Chambel, "MovieTable: Tangible Interaction with Movies". In Proceedings of Academic MindTrek'2009 : Everyday Life in the Ubiquitous Era, in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI & SIGMM, pp.217, Tampere, Finland, Sep 30th-Oct 2nd, 2009.

João Martinho e Teresa Chambel, "Visualização e Exploração Interactiva de Espaços de Vídeo através de Cor e Movimento" (in Portuguese). In Proceedings of EPCG'2009, 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, 10 pgs., Covilhã, Portugal, 29-30 Out, 2009.

David Raposo e Teresa Chambel, "MovieTable: Interacção Tangível com Filmes" (in Portuguese). In Proceedings of EPCG'2009, 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, Covilhã, Portugal, 29-30 Out, 2009.

Teresa Chambel, Pedro Antunes, Carlos Duarte, Luís Carriço, Nuno Guimarães, "Reflections on Teaching Human Computer Interaction to Blind Students", In: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 289; Creativity and HCI: From Experience to Design in Education, edited by Paula Kotzé. William Wong, Joaquim Jorge, Alan Dix and Paula Alexandra Silva, Boston:Springer, ISBN: 978-0-387-89021-0, pp.123-142, 2009.

Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences", Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, 2nd. Edition, IGI Global, ISBN: 978-1-60566-198-8, pp.1369-1379, January 2009.


Telmo Rocha, and Teresa Chambel, "VideoSpace: a 3D Video Experience" (Installation), Artech'2008, 4th International Conference on Digital Arts, pp.305-310, Portuguese Catholic University, Porto, Portugal, November 7-8, 2008.
Also at: Olhares de Outono'2008 Art Festival, 9th edition, Portuguese Catholic University, Porto, Portugal, November 7-8, 2008.

António João Saraiva, Manuel José Damásio, e Teresa Chambel, "Hipervídeo na Preservação e Partilha de Memória Cultural e Etnográfica" (in Portuguese) Interacção’2008, 3a Conferência Nacional em Interfaces Pessoa-Máquina, ISBN: 972-98464-9-9, pp.19-28, Univ. de Évora, Évora, Portugal, 15-17 Outubro, 2008.

Eva Oliveira, and Teresa Chambel, "Emotional Video Album: getting emotions into the picture", emotion-in-hci'2008, The 4th Workshop on Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction: Designing for People, at HCI'2008, the 22nd BCS HCI Group conference on HCI: Culture, Creativity, Interaction, Liverpool, UK, September 1-5, 2008.

Teresa Chambel, “Video in Multimedia Spaces”, Interac research network, 1st Plenary Workshop, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, 10 de Julho de 2008.

Inês Oliveira, Luís Carriço, Nuno Guimarães, Teresa Chambel and Carlos Teixeira, "Interfaces Computador-Cérebro: Extracção e Processamento de Características de Electroencefalogramas", Technical Report DI/FCUL TR-08-5, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon, February 2008.


Teresa Chambel, Luís Correia, Jônatas Manzolli, Gonçalo Dias Miguel, Nuno A. C. Henriques, and Nuno Correia, "Creating Video Art with Evolutionary Algorithms", Special Issue on "Technology and Digital Art", Computer & Graphics Journal, vol 31, issue 6, pp.837-847, Elsevier ISSN: 0097-8493, December 2007.

Inês Oliveira, Luís Carriço, Nuno Guimarães, Teresa Chambel and Carlos Teixeira, "Análise dos Estados de Atenção Visual e Auditiva com Base na Análise de Electroencefalogramas", Technical Report DI/FCUL TR-07-23, Department of Computer Science, University of Lisbon, October 2007.

"A História do Pi em hipervídeo
Tom M. Apostol, Teresa Chambel, Suzana Nápoles,
José Francisco Rodrigues, Lara Santos

Matemática . CD-ROM Interactivo, Texto Editores, 2007.

Alcina Prata, Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "e-iTV: Cross-Media Personalized Learning Environments via Interactive TV", International Workshop on Personalization in iTV, at Euro ITV'2007 - 5th. European Interactive TV Conference, Theme: "Interactive TV: A Shared Experience", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 23, 24-25, 2007.

Teresa Chambel, Pedro Antunes, Carlos Duarte, Luís Carriço, and Nuno Guimarães, "Teaching Human‑Computer Interaction to Blind Students", HCIEd'2007: International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction Educators, Theme: "Creativity3: Experiencing to educate and design", ISBN: 978-972-789-227-3, Aveiro, Portugal, March 29-30, 2007.


Teresa Chambel, Gonçalo Dias Miguel, Luís Correia, Nuno A. C. Henriques, Nuno Correia, and Jônatas Manzolli, "Creative Video Editing through Evolutionary Algorithms", Artech'2006 - Third International Conference on Digital and Electronic Art,“Linking frontiers - Art, technology, science and society”, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain, November 17-18, 2006.
This presentation was praised by the AHDS (Arts and Humanities Data Service) Performing Arts, UK.

Pedro Duarte, Isabel Nunes, João Pedro Neto, and Teresa Chambel, "Enhancing Modularity and Feedback  in Computer Aided Assessment", CIC'2006 - 15th International Conference on Computing, IEEE Computer Society, pp.240-246, Mexico City, Mexico, November 21-24, 2006.

Carlos Duarte, Teresa Chambel, Hugo Simões, Luís Carriço, Eduardo Santos, Guilherme Francisco, Sérgio Neves, Ana Catarina Rua, João Robalo, and Tiago Fernandes, Avaliação de Interfaces Multimodais para Livros Falados Digitais com foco Não Visual (in Portuguese), Interacção’2006, 2a Conferência Nacional em Interfaces Pessoa-Máquina, ISBN: 972-98464-7-2, pp. 105-113, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, 16-18 Outubro, 2006.

Teresa Chambel, Nuno Jardim Nunes, Teresa Romão, e José Creissac Campos (eds), "Interacção 2006 - Actas da 2a. Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina", Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica, 2006. ISBN: 972-98464-7-2 Interacção'2006 site

Alcina Prata, Nuno Guimarães, Piet Kommers, and Teresa Chambel, "iTV Model: An HCI Based Model for the Planning, Development and Evaluation of iTV Applications", SIGMAP'2006 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pp.351-355, Setúbal, Portugal, August 7-10, 2006.

Nuno A. C. Henriques, Nuno Correia, Jônatas Manzolli, Luís Correia, and Teresa Chambel, "MovieGene: Evolutionary Video Production based on Genetic Algorithms and Cinematic Properties", EvoMUSART'2006 - 4th European Workshop on Evolutionary Music and Art, Budapest, Hungary, April 10-12. In Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISSN: 0302-9743, Volume 3907/2006, pp.707‑711, 2006.

Pedro Duarte, Isabel Nunes, João Pedro Neto, and Teresa Chambel, "CATS - Computer Assessable Task System", WebALT'2006 - First Web Advanced Learning Technologies Conference and Exhibition, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands, January 5-6, 2006.

Teresa Chambel, Carmen Zahn, and Matthias Finke, "Hypervideo and Cognition: Designing Video-Based Hypermedia for Individual Learning and Collaborative Knowledge Building", Chapter II, in Eshaa Alkalifa (ed), Cognitively Informed Systems: Utilizing Practical Approaches to Enrich Information Presentation and Transfer, Idea Group Publishing, ISBN: 1-59140-842-3 (hard cover) 1-59140-843-1 (soft cover), pp.26-49, January 2006.


Teresa Chambel, Lara Santos, Suzana Nápoles, José Francisco Rodrigues, and Tom Apostol, “Visualization in Learning Mathematics with Hypervideo”, Envc'2005, Encontro Nacional de Visualização Científica, Centro Multimeios, Espinho, 17 Set 2005.

Teresa Chambel, Lara Santos, Suzana Nápoles, José Francisco Rodrigues, and Tom Apostol, “Visualization in Learning Mathematics with Hypervideo: The Story of Pi demo” (demo), Envc'2005, Encontro Nacional de Visualização Científica, Centro Multimeios, Espinho, 17 Set 2005.

Carmen Zahn, and Teresa Chambel, “Knowledge Acquisition with Hypervideos - Issues of Cognitive Load”, Symposium on Digital Video as a Cognitive Tool to Support Interactive Learning, in Proceedings of Earli'2005, 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Theme: Integrating Multiple Perspectives of Effective Learning Environments, University of Cyprus, 22-27 August 2005.

Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences",

Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, Idea Group Inc., ISBN: 1-59140-555-6, pp.1237-1247, April 2005.

Carlos Duarte, Luís Carriço, Hugo Simões, Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Avaliação de Aspectos de Sincronização de Livros Falados Digitais" (in Portuguese), Sistemas de Informação, vol. 17, pp.7-19, ISSN: 0872-7031, 2005. (Special issue including best papers from CoopMedia 2003.) 


Nuno Correia, Joaquim Jorge, Teresa Chambel, and Zhigeng Pan (eds), "Multimedia 2004", Eurographics Symposium Proceedings, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, SIGCHI, SIGSOFT, 2004ISBN: 3-905673-17-7 ISSN: 1812-7118  Main topic: "Multimedia in Mobile and Augmented Environments"
EG Multimedia'2004 site

Teresa Chambel, Carmen Zahn, and Matthias Finke, “Hypervideo Design and Support for Contextualized Learning”, IEEE ICALT’2004, 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Theme: Crafting Learning within Context, Joensuu, Finland, 30 Aug - 1 Sep 2004, pp.345-349.

Teresa Chambel e Nuno Guimarães, “Aspectos Cognitivos e Estéticos na Concepção de Interfaces para Espaços Hipermédia Baseados em Vídeo” (in Portuguese), Interacção’2004, Primeira Conferência Nacional de Interfaces Pessoa-Máquina, ISBN: 972-98464-4-8, pp.141-150, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 12-14 de Julho de 2004.

Nuno Correia e Teresa Chambel, "Integração Multimédia em Meios e Ambientes Aumentados nos Contextos Educativos e Culturais" (in Portuguese), MultiCiência: Revista da Unicamp, #2: Arte e Ciência, Brasil, 2004. ISSN: 1806-2946


Carlos Duarte, Teresa Chambel, Luís Carriço, Nuno Guimarães, and Hugo Simões, "A Multimodal Interface for Digital Talking Books”, in Proceedings of WWW/Internet'2003, iadis: international association for development of the information society, Algarve, Portugal, 5-8 November 2003.  

Carlos Duarte, Luís Carriço, Hugo Simões, Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Avaliação de Aspectos de Sincronização de Livros Falados Digitais" (in Portuguese), CoopMedia'2003, Workshop de Sistemas de Informação Multimedia, Cooperativos e Distribuídos, Porto, 8 de Outubro de 2003.

António Serralheiro, Isabel Trancoso, Diamantino Caseiro, Teresa Chambel, Luís Carriço, and Nuno Guimarães, "Towards a Repository of Digital Talking Books”, EuroSpeech’03, 8th European Conf on Speech Communication and Technology, Geneve, Switzerland, September 2003.

Maria Teresa C. Chambel, "Video Based Hypermedia Spaces for Learning Contexts, PhD thesis, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, July 2003.

Tom Apostol, Teresa Chambel, José Francisco Rodrigues, and Lara Santos "Video Based Hypermedia for Communicating Mathematics”, ICIAM’2003, 5th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Sydney, Australia, July 2003.

Luís Carriço, Nuno Guimarães, Carlos Duarte, Teresa Chambel, and Hugo Simões, "Spoken Books: Multimodal Interaction and Information Repurposing”, HCII’03, Human Computer Interaction International, Creete, Greece, June 2003.

Carlos Duarte, Luís Carriço, Nuno Guimarães, and Teresa Chambel, "Producing DTB from Audio Tapes”, ICEIS’03 – International Conference in Enterprise Information Systems, Agnes, France, April 2003.


Teresa Chambel and Nuno Guimarães, "Interactive Video Hyperspaces in Learning Environments” (demo), in Proceedings of WWW/Internet 2002, iadis: international association for development of the information society, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-15 November, 2002.

Teresa Chambel and Nuno Guimarães, "Context Perception in Video-Based Hypermedia Spaces”, in Proceedings of ACM Hypertext’02, College Park, Maryland, USA, 11-15 June, 2002.

Teresa Chambel and Nuno Guimarães, "Video-Based Hypermedia Spaces” (demo), in Proceedings of ACM Hypertext’02, College Park, Maryland, USA, 11-15 June, 2002.  

Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Communicating and Learning Mathematics with Hypervideo” (chapter 6), in J. Borwein, M. Morales, K. Polthier, J.F. Rodrigues (eds.), Multimedia Tools for Communicating Mathematics, Mathematics and Visualization book series, Springer-Verlag, 2002. ISBN: 3-540-42450-4 (work presented at the International MTCM'00 Conference on “Multimedia Tools For Communicating Mathematics”, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 November, 2000)


Teresa Chambel, Nuno Correia, and Nuno Guimarães, "Hypervideo on the Web: Models and Techniques for Video Integration”, International Journal of Computers & Applications, Acta Press, Vol. 23, #2, pp.90-98, 2001. ISSN: 1206-212X 

Teresa Chambel and Nuno Guimarães, "Learning with Video in Hypermedia", Technical Report DI/FCUL TR-01-16, Department of Computer Science, University of Lisbon, December 2001.

Teresa Chambel, "Interactive Videos in Mathematics” (invited talk), In Proceedings of EMM'01, the International Workshop on Electronic Media in Mathematics, Coimbra, Portugal, 13-15 September 2001.


Nuno Guimarães, Teresa Chambel, and José Bidarra, "From Cognitive Maps to Hypervideo: Supporting Flexible and Rich Learner-Centred Environments", IMEJ-Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, Volume 2, Number 2, Oct. 2000. ISSN: 1525-9102. Foreword (Wake Forest University).

Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Aprender com Vídeo em Hipermédia” (in Portuguese). Sistemas de Informação, vol. 12, pp.85-98, ISSN: 0872-7031, Julho, 2000. (Special issue including best papers from CoopMedia 2000.) 
          Selected from:
Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Aprender com Vídeo em Hipermédia” (in Portuguese), In Proceedings of CoopMedia’ 2000, Workshop de Sistemas Multimédia Cooperativos e Distribuídos, Coimbra, Portugal, Junho 2000.

José Bidarra, Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Enhancing Learner-Centered Design of Hypermedia Artefacts Through Cognitive and Affective Indicators”, In Proceedings of EdMedia’ 2000 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, AACE Conferences, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2000.

Teresa Chambel, "Educational Applications of Hypervideo” (demo), In Proceedings of  EdMedia’ 2000 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, AACE Conferences, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2000. This demo was praised by the IMEJ-Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning editors.

Nuno Correia, Teresa Chambel, and Glorianna Davenport (eds), "Multimedia' 99", SpringerComputerScience, Springer-Verlag, 2000.  ISBN: 3-211-83437-0  Main topic: "Media Convergence: Models, Technologies and Applications"
EG Multimedia'99 site


Nuno Correia, Teresa Chambel, "Active Video Watching Using Annotation", In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia'99, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 1999.

Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "Mechanisms for Video Integration and Navigation on the Web” (short paper), In Proceedings of WebNet’ 99 - World Conference on the WWW, Internet, & Intranet (now E-Learn), AACE Conferences, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, October 1999.

Teresa Chambel, and Nuno Guimarães, "The Role of Hypervideo in Learning Environments” (poster), In Proceedings of WebNet’ 99 - World Conference on the WWW, Internet, & Intranet (now E-Learn), AACE Conferences, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, October 1999.

Teresa Chambel, Nuno Correia, and Nuno Guimarães, "Towards Hypervideo on the Web”, In Proceedings of IMSA'99 - Third IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, Nassau, Grand Bahamas, October 1999.


Teresa Chambel, Nuno Correia, and Nuno Guimarães, "Time for Hypervideo on the Web” (short paper), In Proceedings of WebNet’ 98 - World Conference on the WWW, Internet, & Intranet (now E-Learn), AACE Conferences, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 1998.

Teresa Chambel, José Bidarra de Almeida, and Nuno Guimarães, "Multimedia Artefacts That Help Us Learn: Perspectives of the UNIBASE Project on Distance Learning”, Workshop on Multimedia and Educational Practice, ACM Multimedia’98, Bristol, UK, September 1998.  

Early 1990s

Maria Teresa Caeiro Chambel, "Integração de Hiperbases Autónomas num Ambiente de Comunicação em Grupo”, Tese de Mestrado (master thesis, in Portuguese), Instituto Superior Técnico, Junho de 1994.

Teresa Chambel, Carmo Moreno, Nuno Guimarães, Pedro Antunes, "Concepts and Architecture for Loosely Coupled Integration of Hyperbases”, in “ESPRIT Basic Research Project 6360 - Broadcast”, vol.3, Systems Engineering, Chap. 4, Cooperative Working, 1994. Broadcast Technical Report Series, ISSN: 1350-2042.

Teresa Chambel, Carmo Moreno, Nuno Guimarães, "Loosely Coupled Integration of Hyperbases”, in J.J. Leggett (ed.), “ACM Hypertext’93 Workshop on Hyperbase Systems Position Papers”, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report TAMU-HRL-93-009, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, November 1993. Also as INESC AR/27/93.

Teresa Chambel, "Informação e Conhecimento em Ambientes Distribuídos” (in Portuguese), Relatório Técnico, INESC RT/56-92, Setembro de 1992.  

Late 1980s

Maria Teresa Chambel, "Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Pericial para o Regulamento Geral Sobre o Ruído (D.L. 251/87)” (in Portuguese), Relatório Técnico LNEC, Julho de 1989. Technical Report for Graduation Thesis of July 1988.

Maria Teresa Chambel e Paulo Batista, "Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Pericial para Consulta ao Regulamento das Carreiras de Informática” (in Portuguese), Relatório Técnico LNEC, Março de 1989.

Maria Teresa Chambel, "Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Pericial para o Regulamento Geral Sobre o Ruído (D.L. 251/87)”, Relatório de Estágio (Graduation thesis in Portuguese), Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Julho de 1988.


Models and Systems

Sight Surfers An interactive web application for the visualization and navigation of georeferenced 360º hypervideos, designed to empower users in their immersive video experiences, both accessing other users’ videos and sharing their own, as novel forms of entertainment, culture and even art

iFelt & Emotional Video Album An interactive web video application that allows to catalogue, access, explore and visualize emotional information about movies, in terms of their contents and in accordance with users’ felt emotions, their profiles, choices and states.

movieClouds An interactive web application that adopts a tag cloud unifying paradigm for overview, analysis, and exploratory browsing of movie collections and individual movies in the different tracks or perspectives of its content, especially audio and subtitles where most of the semantics is expressed, and with a special focus on the emotional dimensions.

Get Around 360º Hypervideo Immersive and interactive interfaces for the visualization and navigation of 360º hypervideos over the Internet.

e-iTV  Cross-Media Personalized Learning Environments via Interactive TV
An  Interactive TV model and system prototype capable of generating websites to be accessed from several types of devices, in response to learning opportunities created by TV, and taking cognitive, affective and interaction aspects into account (more details in the papers).

HVet In the search of alternative ways to learning veterinary surgery with live animals, hypervideo was considered a promising candidate as a learning tool to support the creation of a rich and realistic learning environment, through the interactive access, construction and communication of knowledge on veterinary surgery.

Synesthetic Video An interactive video that allows to experience video in cross-sensorial ways, to hear its colors and to influence its visual properties with sound and music, through user interaction or ambient influence. Our main motivations include accessibility, enriching users experiences, stimulating and supporting users creativity.

ColorsInMotion Visualizing, exploring and interacting with videos based mainly on color and motion properties.

MovieTable Building and exploring effective tangible interfaces for accessing, visualizing and manipulating movies and video spaces.

VideoSpace 3D visualization and navigation of video spaces.

Genetic Soundtracks An evolutionary approach to the creative matching of audio to a video. It analyzes both media to extract features based on their content, and adopts genetic algorithms, with the purpose of truncating, combining and adjusting audio clips, to align and match them with the video scenes.

MovieGene : Creative Evolutionary Video Editor
A model and a system prototype for creative video editing using genetic algorithms.

Caparicanos Interactive
Hypervideo about the community and the culture of Costa de Caparica.

Finalista do Prémio Zon Criatividade em Multimédia, Zon Multimédia, 2008.
(more details in the papers)

CATS : Computer Assessable Task System
A modular task model and system prototype to support & evaluate problem solving in mathematics (more details in the papers).

Digital Talking Books Prototypes include:
The Rich Book Player; DiTaBBU: a framework for the production of DTBs; and book prototypes for "O Sr. Ventura", among others, in different platforms (more details in the papers).

The Story of Pi in hypervideo structures and integrates the Story of Pi video with other materials, augmenting their individual affordances to support learning.

Other Hypervideo Prototypes include:
Hypervideos for "Introdução aos Estudos Literários" and "The Story of Pi" in different platforms, including HTIMEL, among others
(more details in the papers).

HTIMEL : HTML with Time Extensions
A model and a language to support
true integration of dynamic media (such as video and audio) on the Web, as extensions to HTML and existing Web tools. By true integration, we mean to also take the temporal dimension into account in the structuring and navigation of these media, and in the integration with other media. 
Developed in the context of my PhD work
(more details in the papers).

A model and a system prototype
for loosely coupled integration of hyperbases (hypermedia bases), using OSF Motif for the presentation level, extending SOHO (Storage Of Hypermedia Objects) for the hyperbase level (representation and navigation), and using ISIS for group communication support.
Developed in the context of my Master's degree work
(more details in the papers).

Sistema Pericial para Consulta ao Regulamento das Carreiras de Informática

Sistema Pericial para o Regulamento Geral Sobre o Ruído


BEST PhD AWARDS (Supervisor):
Prêmio CAPES de Tese, Menção Honrosa, Área Interdisciplinar, Cláudio Afonso Baron Tiellet, “Design and Evaluation of a Hypervideo Environment to Support Veterinary Surgery Learning”, PhD in Informática na Educação, Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. CAPES, Brasília, Brasil, Julho 2012. PhD in 2010, award in 2012 (orientadora no estrangeiro).

Eva Oliveira, Pedro Martins, and Teresa Chambel, "iFelt: Accessing Movies Through Our Emotions". In Proceedings of EuroITV'2011: "9th International Conference on Interactive TV and Video: Ubiquitous TV", in cooperation with ACM SIGWEB, SIGMM & SIGCHI, pp.105-114, Lisbon, Portugal, June 29-July 1, 2011.

In the Press: "O Futuro da TV", Quero Saber, Agosto 2011. (magazine site)

NOMINEE for BEST PhD AWARD (Supervisor):

Eva Oliveira, "Video Access and Interaction Based on Emotions". Doctoral Consortium. EuroITV'2011: "9th International Conference on Interactive TV and Video: Ubiquitous TV", in cooperation with ACM SIGWEB, SIGMM & SIGCHI, Lisbon, Portugal, June 29-July 1, 2011.


Zon Award finalist (Supervisor):

António Saraiva "Caparicanos Interactive", finalista do Prémio Zon Criatividade em Multimédia, Zon Multimédia, 2008.


Presentation praised by the AHDS (Arts and Humanities Data Service) Performing Arts, UK:
Teresa Chambel, Gonçalo Dias Miguel, Luís Correia, Nuno A. C. Henriques, Nuno Correia, and Jônatas Manzolli,
"Creative Video Editing through Evolutionary Algorithms", Artech'2006 - Third International Conference on Digital and Electronic Art,“Linking frontiers - Art, technology, science and society”, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain, November 17-18, 2006.

Demo praised by the IMEJ-Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning editors:
Teresa Chambel, "Educational Applications of Hypervideo” (demo), In Proceedings of  EdMedia’ 2000 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, AACE Conferences, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2000.

This list only includes my Scientific Publications.