title = {Intelligent Agents in Data-intensive Computing},
volume = 14,
year = 2015,
publisher = {Springer},
editor = {Ko{\l}odziej, Joanna and Correia, Lu{\'\i}s and
Molina, Jos{\'e} Manuel},
series = {Studies in Big Data}
author = {Luís Correia and André Carvalho and Sara Silva
title = {Bio-{I}nspired {C}omputation [{S}pecial {I}ssue]},
journal = {International Journal of Natural Computing Research},
year = 2014,
volume = 4,
number = 2,
month = {April-June},
note = {Guest {E}ditorial {P}reface, pp. iv--vi}
title = {Progress in Artificial Intelligence},
year = 2013,
booktitle = {16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, EPIA 2013, Angra do Heroísmo, Azores,
Portugal, September 9-12, 2013, Proceedings},
editor = {Correia, Luís and Reis, Luís Paulo and Cascalho,
José Manuel},
volume = 8154,
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence},
publisher = {Springer}