Wilson S. Melo Jr, Luis V. G. Tarelho, Bruno A. Rodrigues Filho, Alysson Bessani, Luiz F. R. C. Carmo. Field surveillance of fuel dispensers using IoT-based metering and blockchains. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Vol. 175, February 2021. pdf Elsevier link
Fernando Alves, Aurélien Bettini, Pedro M. Ferreira, Alysson Bessani. Processing Tweets for Cybersecurity Threat Awareness. Information Systems. Vol. 95, January 2021. Preprint on arXiv. Elsevier link
Christian Berger, Hans P. Reiser, João Sousa, Alysson Bessani. AWARE: Adaptive Wide-Area Replication for Fast and Resilient Byzantine Consensus. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Systems. Accepted in October 2020. pdf IEEE link (A preliminar version was selected as one of the three best paper candidates on SRDS'19)
Vinicius Cogo, João Paulo, Alysson Bessani. GenoDedup: Similarity-Based Deduplication and Delta-Encoding for Genome Sequencing Data. IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol. 70, Num. 5. May 2020. pdf supplement IEEE link
Ricardo Macedo, João Paulo, José Pereira, Alysson Bessani. A Survey and Classification of Software-Defined Storage Systems. ACM Computing Surveys. Vol. 53, Num. 3. May 2020. preprint ACM link
Ricardo Mendes, Tiago Oliveira, Vinicius Cogo, Nuno Neves, Alysson Bessani. Charon: A Secure Cloud-of-Clouds System for Storing and Sharing Big Data. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. Accepted in May 2019. pdf supplement IEEE link
Wilson S. Melo Jr, Alysson Bessani, Nuno Neves, Altair Santin, Luiz F. R. C. Carmo. Using Blockchains to Implement Distributed Measuring Systems. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Vol. 68, Num. 5. March 2019. (A preliminar version appeared on I2MTC’18) pdf IEEE link
Eduardo Viegas, Altair Santin, Alysson Bessani, Nuno Neves. BigFlow: Real-time and Reliable Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection for High-Speed Networks. Future Generation Computer Systems. Vol. 93, April 2019. pdf Elsevier link
Miguel Garcia, Nuno Neves, Alysson Bessani. SieveQ: A Layered BFT Protection System for Critical Services. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Vol. 15, Num. 3. IEEE Computer Society. May-June 2018. preprint IEEE link
Eduardo Adilio Pelinson Alchieri, Alysson Bessani, Fabíola Greve, Joni da Silva Fraga. Knowledge Connectivity Requirements for Solving Byzantine Consensus with Unknown Participants. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Vol. 15, Num. 2. IEEE Computer Society. March-April 2018. preprint IEEE link (A preliminar version appeared on OPODIS’08).
Andre Nogueira, Antonio Casimiro, Alysson Bessani. Elastic State Machine Replication. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vol. 28, Num. 9. IEEE Computer Society. September 2017. preprint IEEE link
Alysson Bessani, Nuno F. Neves, Paulo Veríssimo, Wagner Dantas, Alexandre Fonseca, Rui Silva, Pedro Luz, Miguel Correia. JITeR: Just-In-Time Application-Layer Routing. Computer Networks. Vol. 104, Num. 20, pp 122-136, Elsevier. July 2016. pdf Elsevier link (A preliminar version appeared on HotDep’09).
Fernando Alves, Vinicius Cogo, Sebastian Wandelt, Ulf Leser, Alysson Neves Bessani. On-Demand Indexing for Referential Compression of DNA Sequences. PLOS ONE Journal. Vol 10, Num 7. June 2015. online paper
Alysson Bessani, Leucio A. Cutillo, Gianluca Ramunno, Norbert Schirmer, Paolo Smiraglia. The TClouds Platform: From the Concept to the Implementation of Benchmark Scenarios. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol. 48 , Num. 2, pp. 13-22. ACM Press. July 2014. pdf
Paulo Esteves Veríssimo, Alysson Bessani. e-Biobanking: What have you done to my cell samples? IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine. Vol. 11, Num 6. Nov-Dec 2013. pdf
Miguel Garcia, Alysson Bessani, Ilir Gashi, Nuno Neves, Rafael Obelheiro. Analysis of operating system diversity for intrusion tolerance. Software: Practice and Experience. Vol. 44, Num. 6, pp. 735-770. Wiley. June 2014. pdf (A preliminar version appeared on DSN’11).
Alysson Bessani, Miguel Correia, Bruno Quaresma, Fernando André, Paulo Sousa. DepSky: Dependable and Secure Storage in a Cloud-of-Clouds. ACM Transactions on Storage. Vol. 9, Num. 4. ACM. November 2013. pdf (A preliminary version appeared on EuroSys’11).
Pedro Costa, Marcelo Pasin, Alysson Bessani, Miguel Correia. On the Performance of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant MapReduce. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Vol. 10, Num. 5, pp. 301-313. IEEE Computer Society. September/October 2013. pdf (A preliminary version appeared on IEEE CloudCom 2011).
Giuliana Veronese, Miguel Correia, Alysson Bessani, Lau Lung, Paulo Verissimo. Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerance. IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol. 62, Num. 1, pp. 16-30. IEEE Computer Society. January 2013. pdf (A supplement with correctness proofs is also available).
Alysson Bessani, Rüdiger Kapitza, Dana Petcu, Paolo Romano, Spyridon V. Gogouvitis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Roberto G. Cascella. A Look to the Old-world Sky: EU-funded Dependability Cloud Computing Research. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Vol. 46 , Num. 2, pp. 43-56. ACM Press. July 2012. pdf
Luis T. A. N. Brandão, Alysson Bessani. On the reliability and availability of replicated and rejuvenating systems under stealth attacks and intrusions. Journal of Brazilian Computer Society. Vol. 18, Num. 1, pp. 61-80. Springer. March 2012. pdf (A preliminary version appeared on LADC’11).
Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Verissimo. Highly Available Intrusion-Tolerant Services with Proactive-Reactive Recovery. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. IEEE Computer Society. April 2010 (vol. 21, no. 4), pp. 452-465. pdf (A preliminary version appeared on IEEE PRDC'07).
Eduardo Adilio Pelinson Alchieri, Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga. A Dependable Infrastructure for Cooperative Web Services Coordination. International Journal of Web Services Research. Vol. 7, Num. 2, pp. 43-64. Idea Group Publishing. 2010. pdf (A preliminary version appeared on IEEE ICWS 2008).
Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. An Efficient Byzantine-Resilient Tuple Space. IEEE Transactions on Computers. IEEE Computer Society. August 2009 (vol. 58 no. 8) pp. 1080-1094. pdf (A preliminary version appeared on NCA'07).
Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. Sharing Memory between Byzantine Processes using Policy-Enforced Tuple Spaces. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. IEEE Computer Society. March 2009 (vol. 20 no. 3) pp. 419-43. pdf (A preliminary version appeared on ICDCS'06).
Alysson Neves Bessani, Paulo Sousa, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Verissimo. The Crutial Way of Critical Infrastructure Protection. IEEE Security & Privacy, IEEE Computer Society. November/December 2008. pdf.
Miguel Correia, Alysson Neves Bessani, Paulo Verissimo. On Byzantine Generals with Alternative Plans. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 68, Issue 9, pages 1291-1296, Elsevier. September 2008. DOI.
Hasan Heydari, Robin Vassantlal, Alysson Bessani. Knowledge Connectivity Requirements for Solving BFT Consensus with Unknown Participants and Fault Threshold. ICDCS'24: The 44th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. July 2024. Extended version on arXiv. pdf
Diogo Avelãs, Hasan Heydari, Eduardo Alchieri, Tobias Distler, Alysson Bessani. Probabilistic Byzantine Fault Tolerance. PODC'24: The 43rd ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. June 2024. Extended version on arXiv. pdf
Robin Vassantlal, Hasan Heydari, Alysson Bessani. On the Minimal Knowledge Required for Solving Stellar Consensus. ICDCS'23: The 43rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. July 2023. Preprint on arXiv. pdf
Hasan Heydari, Guthemberg Silvestre, Alysson Bessani. How Hard is Asynchronous Weight Reassignment? ICDCS'23: The 43rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. July 2023. Extended version on arXiv. pdf
Kevin Mika, René Griessl, Nils Kucza, Florian Porrmann, Martin Kaiser, Lennart Tigges, Jens Hagemeyer, Pedro Trancoso, Muhammad Waqar Azhar, Fareed Qararyah, Stavroula Zouzoula, Jämes Ménétrey, Marcelo Pasin, Pascal Felber, Carina Marcus, Oliver Brunnegard, Olof Eriksson, Hans Salomonsson, Daniel Ödman, Andreas Ask, Antonio Casimiro, Alysson Bessani, Tiago Carvalho, Karol Gugala, Piotr Zierhoffer, Grzegorz Latosinski, Marco Tassemeier, Mario Porrmann, Hans-Martin Heyn, Eric Knauss, Yufei Mao, Franz Meierhöfer. VEDLIoT - Next generation accelerated AIoT systems and applications. CF'23: The 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers. May 2023. Preprint on arXiv.
Robin Vassantlal, Eduardo Alchieri, Bernardo Ferreira, Alysson Bessani. COBRA: Dynamic Proactive Secret Sharing for Confidential BFT Services. SP'22: The 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. May 2022. pdf
M. Kaiser, R. Griessl, N. Kucza, C. Haumann, L. Tigges, K. Mika, J. Hagemeyer, F. Porrmann, U. Ruckert, M. vor dem Berge, S. Krupop, M. Porrmann, M. Tassemeier, P. Trancoso, F. Qararyah, S. Zouzoula, A. Casimiro, A. Bessani, J. Cecilio, S. Andersson, O. Brunnegard, O. Eriksson, R. Weiss, F. Meierhofer, H. Salomonsson, E. Malekzadeh, D. Odman, A. Khurshid, P. Felber, M. Pasin, V. Schiavoni, J. Menetrey , K. Gugala, P. Zierhoffer , E. Knauss, H. Heyn. VEDLIoT: Very Efficient Deep Learning in IoT. DATE'22: Design, Automation & Test in Europe. March 2022. pdf
Christian Berger, Hans P. Reiser, Alysson Bessani. Making Reads in BFT State Machine Replication Fast, Linearizable, and Live. SRDS'21: The 40th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. September 2021. Preprint on arXiv (Prof. C.V. Ramamoorthy Best Paper Award)
Fernando Alves, Ambrose Andongabo, Ilir Gashi, Pedro M Ferreira, Alysson Bessani. Follow the blue bird: A study on threat data published on Twitter. ESORICS’20: The 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security. September 2020. pdf
Alysson Bessani, Eduardo Alchieri, João Sousa, André Oliveira, Fernando Pedone. From Byzantine Replication to Blockchain: Consensus is only the Beginning. DSN'20: The IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. July 2020. Preprint on arXiv. pdf
Enrique Fyn, Fernando Pedone, Alysson Bessani. Smart Contracts on the Move. DSN'20: The IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. July 2020. Preprint on arXiv. pdf
Nuno Dionísio, Fernando Alves, Pedro M. Ferreira, Alysson Bessani. Towards end-to-end Cyberthreat Detection from Twitter using Multi-Task Learning. IJCNN’20: The 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. July 2020. pdf
Miguel Garcia, Alysson Bessani, Nuno Neves. Lazarus: Automatic Management of Diversity in BFT Systems. Middleware’19: The ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference. Davis, USA. December 2019. pdf (best student paper award)
Adriano Serckumecka, Ibéria Medeiros, Bernardo Ferreira, Alysson Bessani. SLiCER: Safe Long-term Cloud Event Archival. PRDC 2019: The 24th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing. Kyoto, Japan. December 2019. pdf
Christian Berger, Hans P. Reiser, João Sousa, Alysson Bessani. Resilient Wide-Area Byzantine Consensus Using Adaptive Weighted Replication. SRDS'19: The 38th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. October 2019. pdf (selected as one of the three best paper candidates)
Rui Azevedo, Ibéria Medeiros, Alysson Bessani. PURE: Generating Quality Threat Intelligence by Clustering and Correlating OSINT. TrustCom’19: The 18th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications. Aug 2019. pdf
Nuno Dionísio, Fernando Alves, Pedro M. Ferreira, Alysson Bessani. Cyberthreat Detection from Twitter using Deep Neural Networks. IJCNN’19: The 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. July 2019. pdf arXiv link
Pedro Marques, Zayani Dabbabi, Miruna-Mihaela Mironescu, Olivier Thonnard, Alysson Bessani, Frances Buontempo, Ilir Gashi. Detecting Malicious Web Scraping Activity: A Study with Diverse Detectors. PRDC 2018: The 23rd IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing. December 2018. pdf
João Sousa, Alysson Bessani, Marko Vukolic. A Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Ordering Service for the Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Platform. DSN'18: The IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. June 2018. pdf (makes obsolete previous arXiv tech. report)
Paulo Coelho, Tarcisio Ceolin, Alysson Bessani, Fernando Dotti, Fernando Pedone. Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Atomic Multicast. DSN'18: The IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. June 2018. pdf
André Nogueira, Miguel Garcia, Alysson Bessani, Nuno Neves. On the challenges of building a BFT SCADA. DSN'18: The IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. June 2018. pdf
Wilson Melo Jr, Luiz F. R. C. Carmo, Alysson Bessani, Nuno Neves, Altair Santin. How Blockchains can improve Measuring Instruments Regulation and Control. I2MTC'18: The IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. May 2018. pdf
Carlos Carvalho, Daniel Porto, Luís Rodrigues, Manuel Bravo, Alysson Bessani. Dynamic Adaptation of Byzantine Consensus Protocols. SAC'18: The ACM/SIGApp Symposium on Applied Computing (DADS track). April 2018. pdf
Eduardo Alchieri, Alysson Bessani, Fabiola Greve, Joni Fraga. Efficient and Modular Consensus-Free Reconfiguration for Fault-Tolerant Storage. OPODIS’17: The 21st International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems. Lisbon, Portugal, December 2017. pdf (extended version on arXiv)
Joel Alcântara, Tiago Oliveira, Alysson Bessani. Ginja: One-dollar Cloud-based Disaster Recovery for Databases. Middleware’17: The ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference. Las Vegas, USA, December 2017. pdf
Eduardo Viegas, Altair Santin, Nuno Neves, Alysson Bessani, Vilmar Abreu. A Resilient Stream Learning Intrusion Detection Mechanism for Real-time Analysis of Network Traffic. Globecom 2017: IEEE Global Communications Conference. Singapore, December 2017. pdf
Tiago Oliveira, Ricardo Mendes, Alysson Bessani. Exploring Key-Value Stores in Multi-Writer Byzantine-Resilient Register Emulations. OPODIS’16: The 20th International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems. Madrid, Spain, December 2016. pdf
Fábio Botelho, Tulio A. Ribeiro, Paulo Ferreira, Fernando M. V. Ramos, Alysson Bessani. Design and Implementation of a Consistent Datastore for a Distributed SDN Control Plane. EDCC’16: The 12th European Conference on Dependable Computing. Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2016. pdf (A preliminar version appeared on EWSDN’13).
João Sousa, Alysson Bessani. Separating the WHEAT from the Chaff: An Empirical Design for Geo-Replicated State Machines. SRDS'15: The 34th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. September 2015. pdf
Tobias Distler, Christopher Bahn, Alysson Bessani, Frank Fischer, Flavio Junqueira. Extensible Distributed Coordination. EuroSys'15: The 10th ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Systems Conference. Bordeux, France. April 2015. pdf software.
Diego Kreutz, Alysson Bessani, Eduardo Feitosa, Hugo Cunha. Towards Secure and Dependable Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures. PRDC'14: The 20th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing. Singapore. December 2014. pdf .
Alysson Bessani, Ricardo Mendes, Tiago Oliveira, Nuno Neves, Miguel Correia, Marcelo Pasin, Paulo Verissimo. SCFS: a Shared Cloud-backed File System. USENIX’14: USENIX Annual Technical Conference. Philadelphia, USA. June 2014. pdf.
Alysson Bessani, João Sousa, Eduardo Alchieri. State Machine Replication for the Masses with BFT-SMaRt. DSN'14: The IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. Atlanta, USA. June 2014. pdf (extended version) software.
Alysson Bessani, Marcel Santos, João Felix, Nuno Neves, Miguel Correia. On the Efficiency of Durable State Machine Replication. USENIX’13: USENIX Annual Technical Conference. San Jose, CA, USA. June 2013. pdf
Vinicius Cogo, André Nogueira, João Sousa, Marcelo Pasin, Hans P. Reiser, Alysson Bessani. FITCH: Supporting Adaptive Replicated Services in the Cloud. DAIS'13: 13th International IFIP Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems. Florence, Italy. June 2013. pdf
João Sousa, Alysson Bessani. From Byzantine Consensus to BFT State Machine Replication: A Latency-optimal transformation. EDCC'12: The 9th European Conference on Dependable Computing. Sibiu, Romania. May 2012. pdf
Pedro Costa, Marcelo Pasin, Alysson Bessani, Miguel Correia. Byzantine Fault-Tolerant MapReduce: Faults are not just Crashes. CloudCom'11: The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Science. Athens, Greece. December 2011. pdf
Miguel Garcia, Alysson Bessani, Ilir Gashi, Nuno Neves, Rafael Obelheiro. OS Diversity for Intrusion Tolerance: Myth or Reality? DSN'11: The IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. Hong Kong, China. June 2011. pdf
Alysson Bessani, Miguel Correia, Bruno Quaresma, Fernando André, Paulo Sousa. DepSky: Dependable and Secure Storage in a Cloud-of-Clouds. EuroSys'11: The 6th ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Systems Conference. Salzburg, Austria. April 2011. pdf
Luis T. A. N. Brandão, Alysson Bessani. On the Reliability and Availability of Systems Tolerant to Stealth Intrusion. LADC'11: The 5th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing. São José dos Campos, Brazil. April 2011. pdf
Giuliana Veronese, Miguel Correia, Alysson Bessani, Lau Lung. EBAWA: Efficient Byzantine Agreement for Wide-Area Networks. HASE'10: The 12th IEEE International High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium. San Jose, CA, USA. November 2010. pdf
Eduardo Alchieri, Alysson Neves Bessani, Fernando Carlos Pereira, Joni da Silva Fraga. Proactive Byzantine Quorum Systems. DOA'09: XI International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications. Vilamoura, Portugal. November 2009. pdf
Giuliana Santos Veronese, Miguel Correia, Alysson Neves Bessani, Lau Cheuk Lung. Spin One's Wheels? Byzantine Fault Tolerance with a Spinning Primary. SRDS'09: The 30th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. Niagara Falls, USA, September 2009. pdf
Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani, Wagner S. Dantas, Fabio Souto, Miguel Correia, Nuno F. Neves. Intrusion-Tolerant Self-Healing Devices fror Critical Infrastructure Protection. DSN'09: International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. Lisbon, Portugal, July 2009. pdf
Paulo Veríssimo, Alysson Bessani, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Sousa. Designing Modular and Redundant Cyber Architectures for Process Control: Lessons Learned. HICSS-42: The 42nd Hawaii International Conference for the Systems Sciences. Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 2009.
Eduardo Adilio Pelinson Alchieri, Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga, Fabíola Greve. Byzantine Consensus with Unknown Participants. OPODIS'08: The 12th International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems. Luxor, Egypt. December 2008. pdf
Eduardo Adilio Pelinson Alchieri, Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga. A Dependable Infrastructure for Cooperative Web Services Coordination. ICWS'08: The 6th IEEE International Conference on Web Services. Beijing, China. September 2008. pdf
Alysson Neves Bessani, Eduardo Adilio Pelinson Alchieri, Miguel Correia, Joni da Silva Fraga. DepSpace: A Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Coordination Service. EuroSys'08: The 3rd ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Systems Conference. Glasgow, Scotland. April 2008 (Also published in ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, vol. 42 , issue 4, pages 163-176, May 2008). pdf
Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Verissimo. Resilient Intrusion Tolerance Through Proactive and Reactive Recovery. PRDC'07: The 13th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing. Melbourne, Australia. December 2007. pdf
Wagner Saback Dantas, Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga, Miguel Correia. Evaluating Byzantine Quorum Systems. SRDS'07: The 26th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. Beijing, China. October 2007. pdf
Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. Decoupled Quorum-based Byzantine-Resilient Coordination in Open Distributed Systems. NCA'07: The 6th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications. Cambridge - MA, EUA. July 2007. pdf
Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. Sharing Memory between Byzantine Processes using Policy-Enforced Tuple Spaces. ICDCS'06: 26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. Lisbon, Portugal. July 2006. pdf
Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. BTS: A Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Tuple Space. SAC'06: The 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Dijon, France. April 2006. pdf
Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. Extending the UMIOP Specification for Reliable Multicast in CORBA. DOA'05: VII International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3760. Larnaca, Cyprus. October 2005. pdf
Daniel Borush, Lau Cheuk Lung, Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga. Integrating the ROMIOP and ETF Specifications for Atomic Multicast in CORBA. DOA'05: VII International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications. LNCS vol. 3760. Larnaca, Cyprus. October 2005.
Christiane Bortoleto, Lau Cheuk Lung, Frank Siqueira, Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga. A Semi-reliable Multicast Protocol for Distributed Multimedia Applications in Large Scale Networks. MMNS'05: The 8th International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services. LNCS vol. 3754. pp. 109-120. Barcelona, Spain. September 2005.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung, Eduardo Adilio Pelinson Alchieri. Active Replication in CORBA: Standards, Protocols and Implementation Framework. DOA'04: VI International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 3291. Larnaca, Cyprus. October 2004. pdf
Alysson Neves Bessani, Lau Cheuk Lung, Joni da Silva Fraga e Alcides Calsavara. Integrating the Unreliable Multicast Inter-ORB Protocol in MJaco. DAIS'03: The 4th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Distributed Applications. LNCS 2893. Paris, France. 2003.
Vinicius Cogo, Alysson Bessani. Enabling the Efficient, Dependable Cloud-based Storage of Human Genomes. DRSS’19: The 1st Workshop on Distributed and Reliable Storage Systems (together with SRDS 2019). Lyon, France. October 2019. pdf
Adriano Serckumecka, Ibéria Medeiros, Bernardo Ferreira, Alysson Bessani. A Cost-Effective Cloud Event Archival for SIEMs. DRSS’19: The 1st Workshop on Distributed and Reliable Storage Systems (together with SRDS 2019). Lyon, France. October 2019.
Fernando Alves, André Correia, Aurélien Bettini, Pedro M. Ferreira and Alysson Bessani. Design of a Classification Model for a Twitter-based Streaming Threat Monitor. DCDS’19: The 1st Workshop on Data-Centric Dependability and Security (co-located with IEEE/IFIP DSN 2019), Portland, USA. June 2019. pdf
Vinicius Vielmo Cogo, Alysson Bessani, Francisco M. Couto, Paulo Veríssimo. A High-Throughput Method to Detect Privacy-Sensitive Human Genomic Data. WPES'15: 14th Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (together with ACM CCS'15). Denver, CO, US. Oct. 2015. pdf
A. Bessani, J. Brandt, M. Bux, V. Cogo, L. Dimitrova, J. Dowling, A. Gholami, K. Hakimzadeh, M. Hummel, M. Ismail, E. Laure, U. Leser, J-E. Litton, R. Martinez, J. Reichel, S. Niazi, K. Zimmermann. BiobankCloud: a Platform for the Secure Storage, Sharing, and Processing of Large Biomedical Data Sets. DMAH'15: 1st Int. Workshop on Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare (together with VLDB'15). Hawaii, US. Sep. 2015. pdf
Fábio Botelho, Alysson Bessani, Fernando Ramos, Paulo Ferreira. On the Design of Practical Fault-Tolerant SDN Controllers. EWSDN'14: 3rd European Workshop on Software Defined Networks. Budapest, Hungary. September 2014. pdf
Tiago Oliveira, Ricardo Mendes, Alysson Bessani. Sharing Files Using Cloud Storage Services. DIHC'14: 2nd Workshop on Dependability and Interoperability in Heterogeneous Clouds (together with Euro-Par'14). LNCS 8806. Porto, Portugal. August 2014. pdf
Fábio Botelho, Fernando Ramos, Diego Kreutz, Alysson Bessani. On the feasibility of a consistent and fault-tolerant data store for SDNs. EWSDN'13: 2nd European Workshop on Software Defined Networks. Berlin, Germany. October 2013. pdf
Alysson Bessani, Leucio A. Cutillo, Gianluca Ramunno, Norbert Schirmer, Paolo Smiraglia. The TClouds Platform: Concept, Architecture and Instantiations. DISCCO'13: 2nd International Workshop on Dependability Issues in Cloud Computing (together IEEE SRDS'13). Braga, Portugal. September 2013.
Miguel Garcia, Nuno Neves, Alysson Bessani. An Intrusion-Tolerant Firewall Design for Protecting SIEM Systems. WSR'13: Workshop on Systems Resilience (together with IEEE/IFIP DSN'13). Budapest, Hungary. June 2013.
Miguel Correia, Pedro Costa, Marcelo Pasin, Alysson Bessani, Fernando Ramos, Paulo Veríssimo. On the Feasibility of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant MapReduce in Clouds-of-Clouds. DISCCO'12: 1st International Workshop on Dependability Issues in Cloud Computing (together IEEE SRDS'12). Irvine, CA, USA. October 2012.
Paulo Verissimo, Alysson Bessani, Marcelo Pasin. The TClouds Architecture: Open and Resilient Cloud-of-Clouds Computing. DCDV'12: 2nd International Workshop on Dependability of Clouds, Data Centers and Virtual Computing Environments (together with IEEE/IFIP DSN'12). Boston, USA. June 2012.
Bernhard Kauer, Paulo Verissimo, Alysson Bessani. Recursive Virtual Machines for Advanced Security Mechanisms. DCDV'11: 1st International Workshop on Dependability of Clouds, Data Centers and Virtual Computing Environments (together with IEEE/IFIP DSN'11). Hong Kong, China. June 2011. pdf
Alysson Bessani. From Byzantine Fault Tolerance to Intrusion Tolerance (a Position Paper). WRAITS'11: 5th Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion-Tolerant Systems (together with IEEE/IFIP DSN'11). Hong Kong, China. June 2011.
Alysson Bessani, Miguel Correia, Paulo Sousa. Active Quorum Systems. HotDep'10: Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability. Vancouver, Canada. October 2010. pdf (A technical report with AQS specification and correctness proofs is also available).
Giuliana Santos Veronese, Miguel Correia, Alysson Neves Bessani, Lau Cheuk Lung. Highly-Resilient Services for Critical Infrastructures. ESCS'09: The Workshop on Embedded Systems and Communications Security (a SRDS'09 workshop). Niagara Falls, USA, September 2009.
Wagner Saback Dantas, Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia. Not Quickly, Just in Time: Improving the Timeliness and Reliability of Control Traffic in Utility Networks. HotDep'09: Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability. Lisbon, Portugal. June 2009. pdf
Alysson Neves Bessani, Alessandro Daidone, Ilir Gashi, Rafael R. Obelheiro, Paulo Sousa, Vladimir Stankovic. Enhancing Fault/Intrusion Tolerance through Design and Configuration Diversity. WRAITS'09: The 3rd Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems (a DSN'09 workshop). Estoril, Portugal, June 2009.
Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani, Rafael R. Obelheiro. The FOREVER Service for Fault/Intrusion Removal. WRAITS'08: The 2nd Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems (an EuroSys'08 workshop). Glasgow, UK, April 2008.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Eduardo Adílio Pelinson Alchieri, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. Design and Implementation of an Intrusion-Tolerant Tuple Space. WRAITS'07: The 1st Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion Tolerant Systems (an EuroSys'07 workshop). Lisbon, Portugal. March 2007.
Vinicius Cogo, Alysson Bessani. Auditable Register Emulations. Technical Report arXiv:1905.08637. arXiv link
Fernando Alves, Aurélien Bettini, Pedro M. Ferreira, Alysson Bessani. Processing Tweets for Cybersecurity Threat Awareness. Technical Report arXiv:1904.02072. arXiv link
João Sousa, Alysson Bessani, Marko Vukolic. A Byzantine Fault-tolerant Ordering Service for the Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Platform. Technical Report arXiv:1709.06921. arXiv link
Eduardo Alchieri, Alysson Bessani, Fabiola Greve, Joni Fraga. Efficient and Modular Consensus-Free Reconfiguration for Fault-Tolerant Storage. Technical Report (arXiv:1607.05344). July 2016. arXiv link
João Sousa, Alysson Bessani. Separating the WHEAT from the Chaff: An Empirical Design for Geo-Replicated State Machines. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-2015-04. September 2015. pdf
Alysson Bessani, Miguel Correia. Consistency Anchor Formalization and Correctness Proofs. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-2014-02. May 2014. pdf
Alysson Bessani, João Sousa, Eduardo Alchieri. State Machine Replication for the Masses with BFT-SMaRt. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-2013-07. October 2013. pdf
Alysson Bessani (Ed). Adaptive Cloud-of-Clouds Architecture, Service and Protocols. TClouds project deliverable D2.2.4. October 2013. pdf
Alysson Bessani (Ed). Preliminary Specification of Services and Protocols of Middleware for Adaptive Resilience. TClouds project deliverable D2.2.2. October 2012. pdf
Alysson Neves Bessani. Active Quorum Systems: Specification and Correctness Proof. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-10-02. July 2010. pdf
Giuliana Santos Veronese, Miguel Correia, Alysson Neves Bessani, Lau Cheuk Lung. Spin One’s Wheels? Byzantine Fault Tolerance with a Spinning Primary. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-09-16. September 2009.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Paulo Sousa, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Verissimo. Cheap Intrusion-Tolerant Protection for Critical Infrastructures. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-09-13. March 2009.
GiulianaFranceschinis, EricAlata, JoãoAntunes, Hakem Beitollah, Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Wagner Dantas, Geert Deconinck, Mohamed Kaâniche, Nuno Neves, Vincent Nicomette, Paulo Sousa, Paulo Verissimo. Experimental Validation of Architectural Solutions. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-09-8. March 2009.
Anas Abou ElKalan, Amine Baina, Hakem Beitollahi, Alysson Neves Bessani, Andrea Bondavalli, Miguel Correia, Alessandro Daidone, Wagner Dantas, Geert Deconinck, Yves Deswarte, Henrique Moniz, Nuno Neves, Paulo Sousa, Paulo Verissimo. Architecture, Services and Protocols for CRUTIAL. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-09-5. March 2009.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Rafael R. Obelheiro, Paulo Sousa, Ilir Gashi. On the Effects of Diversity on Intrusion Tolerance. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-08-30. December 2008.
Giuliana Santos Veronese, Miguel Correia, Alysson Neves Bessani, Lau Cheuk Lung. Minimal Byzantine Fault Tolerance. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-08- 29. December 2008.
Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Verissimo. Resilient Intrusion Tolerance through Proactive and Reactive Recovery. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-07-17. October 2007.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. Decoupled Quorum-based Byzantine-Resilient Coordination in Open Distributed Systems. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-07-9. May 2007.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Paulo Sousa, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Verissimo. Intrusion-Tolerant Protection for Critical Infrastructures. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-07-8. April 2007. 13
Rafael R. Obelheiro, Alysson Neves Bessani, Lau Cheuk Lung, Miguel Correia. How Practical Are Intrusion-Tolerant Distributed Systems? Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-06-15. September 2006.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. Towards a Dependable Tuple Space. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-06-4. April 2006.
Miguel Correia, Alysson Neves Bessani, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Lau Cheuk Lung, Paulo Verissimo. Improving Byzantine Protocols with Secure Computational Components. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. DI-FCUL-TR-05-20. December 2005.
Tiago Carvalho, Antonio Casimiro, Alysson Bessani. On the Design of Coordination Services for IoT. IEEE/IFIP DSN'24 Disrupt track. June 2024. pdf
Vinicius Cogo, Alysson Bessani. Brief Announcement: Auditable Register Emulations. Brief Announcement at DISC 2021: 35th International Symposium on Distributed Computing. September 2021. Full version on arXiv. pdf
David Matos, Nuno Neves, Alysson Bessani. SITAN: Services for Ad Hoc Networks with Unknown Participants. Fast Abstract at IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’14). June 2014.
Eduardo Alchieri, Alysson Bessani, Fabíola Greve, Joni Fraga. Brief Announcement: Decoupled and Consensus-Free Reconfiguration for Fault-Tolerant Storage. Brief Announcement at DISC 2012: 26th International Symposium on Distributed Computing. October 2012.
Alysson Bessani, João Sousa, Eduardo Alchieri. ... And State Machine Replication for All with BFT-SMART. Poster at ACM SIGOPS EuroSys’12. Bern, Switzerland. April 2012.
Miguel Garcia, Alysson Bessani, Nuno Neves. Diverse OS Rejuvenation for Intrusion Tolerance. Poster paper at IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’11). Hong Kong, China. June 2011.
A. N. Bessani, V. V. Cogo, M. Correia, P. Costa, M. Pasin, F. Silva, L. Arantes, O. Marin, P. Sens, J. Sopena. Making Hadoop MapReduce Byzantine Fault-Tolerant. Fast Abstract at IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’10). June 2010.
Francisco Vieira, Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani. Transparent Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Directory Service using COTS components. Fast Abstract at IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’09). June 2009.
François Aubri, Alysson Neves Bessani, Paulo Sousa. BFT Services Programming with a Dependable Tuple Space. Fast Abstract at IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’09). June 2009.
Alysson Bessani, Hans P. Reiser, Paulo Sousa, Ilir Gashi, Vladimir Stankovic, Tobias Distler, Ruediger Kapitza, Alessandro Daidone, Rafael Obelheiro. FOREVER: Fault/intrusiOn REmoVal through Evolution & Recovery. Poster at ACM/USENIX Middleware’08. Leuven, Belgium. December 2008.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Henrique Moniz, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Verissimo. When 3f+1 is not Enough: Tradeoffs for Decentralized Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus. Brief Announcement at DISC 2007: 21st International Symposium on Distributed Computing. Lemesos, Cyprus. September 2007. pdf
Alysson Neves Bessani, Paulo Sousa, Miguel Correia, Nuno F. Neves, Paulo Verissimo. Protecting CRUTIAL Things. Fast Abstract at IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’07). June 2007.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Paulo Sousa, Miguel Correia, Nuno F. Neves, Paulo Verissimo. A System for Protecting CRUTIAL Things. Poster at ACM SIGOPS EuroSys’07. April 2007.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. Brief Announcement: Decoupled Quorum-based Byzantine-Resilient Coordination in Open Distributed Systems. Brief Announcement at DISC 2006: 20st International Symposium on Distributed Computing. September 2006.
Alysson Neves Bessani, Joni da Silva Fraga, Lau Cheuk Lung. Implementing the Multicast Inter-ORB Protocol. ISORC 2003: The 6th IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing. 2003.
Last updated at June 12, 2024.