Portfolio of publications

Journal articles

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes, Valeria Herskovic (2011). Improving group attention: An experiment with synchronous brainstorming. Group Decision and Negotiation, 20(5), 643–666 10.1007/s10726-011-9233-y

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes, José A Pino (2009). Evaluating shared workspace performance using human information processing models. Information Research, 14(1)

Book chapters

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2007). A technique for evaluating shared workspaces efficiency. In CSCW in Design III, 82–91. Berlin, Germany: Springer 10.1007/978-3-540-72863-4_9

Conference and workshop papers

Ricardo Vaz, Mauro Carreira, António Ferreira, Ana Paula Afonso (2017). Sistema de análise de trajetos com rosas dos ventos. In CISTI: Atas da 12ª conferência ibérica de Sistemas e tecnologias de informação, 806–810. Lisbon, Portugal 10.23919/cisti.2017.7975966

Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Afonso, António Ferreira, Ana Paula Cláudio, Gonçalo Silva (2016). PoI awareness, relevance and aggregation for augmented reality. In IV: Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Information visualisation, 300–305. Lisbon, Portugal 10.1109/IV.2016.47

Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Cláudio, António Ferreira, Ana Paula Afonso, Paula Redweik, Cristina Catita, Miguel Centeno Brito, Silvana Silva, Carolina Meireles (2016). Augmented reality for support decision on solar radiation harnessing. In EPCGI: Atas do 23º encontro português de Computação gráfica e interação, 123–130. Covilhã, Portugal 10.1109/EPCGI.2016.7851201

Tiago Gonçalves, Ana Paula Afonso, António Ferreira, Ana Rita Vieira (2016). Trajectory data visualization on mobile devices with animated maps. In EUROGRAPHICS: Proceedings of the 37th conference of the european association for Computer graphics, 1–4. Lisbon, Portugal 10.2312/EGSH.20161002

Tiago Gonçalves, Ana Rita Vieira, Ana Paula Afonso, António Ferreira (2015). PATH: Visualização de percursos pessoais com mapas animados em dispositivos móveis. In INFORUM: Atas do 7º simpósio nacional de Informática, 173–186. Covilhã, Portugal

Paula Redweik, Cristina Catita, Miguel Brito, Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Cláudio, Ana Paula Afonso, António Ferreira (2015). SOL: Um modelo urbano de radiação solar e suas aplicações. In CNCG: Atas da 8ª conferência nacional de Cartografia e geodesia, 1–7. Amadora, Portugal

Gonçalo Silva, Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Afonso, Ana Paula Cláudio, António Ferreira. Visualização de objetos off-screen em realidade aumentada móvel. In EPCGI: Atas do 22º encontro português de Computação gráfica e interação,, 71–78. Coimbra, Portugal

Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Afonso, António Ferreira, Ana Paula Cláudio, Edgar Montez (2014). Symbol adaptation in outdoor augmented reality. In GRAPP: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer graphics theory and applications, 387–396. Lisbon, Portugal 10.5220/0004693003870396

Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Cláudio, António Ferreira, Ana Paula Afonso, Raúl Simplício (2013). Improving symbol salience in augmented reality. In GRAPP: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Computer graphics theory and applications, 367–372. Barcelona, Spain 10.5220/0004298903670372

José Nunes Pedrosa, Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Cláudio, Ana Paula Afonso, António Ferreira, Paula Redweik, Cristina Catita (2013). Visualização de dados em realidade aumentada. In INTERAÇÃO: Atas da 5ª conferência nacional sobre Interação, 70–76. Vila Real, Portugal

Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Cláudio, António Ferreira, Ana Paula Afonso, Edgar Montez, Raúl Simplício (2012). Adaptação de simbologia em realidade aumentada. In EPCG: Atas do 20º encontro português de Computação gráfica, 73–79. Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Cláudio Sapateiro, António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2011). Using microworlds to study teamwork at the cognitive level. In SBSC: Atas do 8º simpósio brasileiro de Sistemas colaborativos. Paraty, Brazil

Cláudio Sapateiro, António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2011). Evaluating the use of mobile devices in critical incidents response: A microworld approach. In WETICE: Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Collaboration technologies and infrastructures, 327–333. Paris, France 10.1109/WETICE.2011.58

Rui Ferreira, Manuel Dias, José Vermelhudo, António Ferreira (2011). Developing a controller pilot data link communication simulator. In CISTI: Proceedings of the 6th iberian conference on Information systems and technologies, 579–583. Chaves, Portugal

Pedro Antunes, António Ferreira, Gustavo Zurita, Nelson Balioan (2011). Analyzing the support for large group collaborations using google maps. In CSCWD: Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Computer supported cooperative work in design, 748–755. Lausanne, Switzerland 10.1109/CSCWD.2011.5960202

Pedro Antunes, António Ferreira (2011). Developing collaboration awareness support from a cognitive perspective. In HICSS: Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii international conference on System sciences. Koloa, HI, USA 10.1109/HICSS.2011.161

António Ferreira, Valeria Herskovic, Pedro Antunes (2008). Attention-based management of information flows in synchronous electronic brainstorming. In CRIWG: Proceedings of the 14th international workshop on Groupware, 1–16. Omaha, NE, USA 10.1007/978-3-540-92831-7_1

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2008). An attentive groupware device to mitigate information overload. In DSVIS: Proceedings of the 15th international workshop on Design, specification, and validation of interactive systems, 29–42. Kingston, Canada 10.1007/978-3-540-70569-7_3

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2008). Tackling information overload in electronic brainstorming. In GDN: Proceedings of the 9th Group decision and negotiation meeting, 83–89. Coimbra, Portugal

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2007). On the need for a framework for attentive groupware systems. In SOCIUM: Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Adaptation and personalisation in social systems, 5–15. Corfu, Greece

Pedro Antunes, António Ferreira, José A Pino (2006). Analyzing shared workspaces design with human-performance models. In CRIWG: Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on Groupware, 62–77. Medina del Campo, Spain 10.1007/11853862_6

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2006). Dispositivos de gestão da atenção em sistemas colaborativos. In INTERACÇÃO: Atas da 2ª conferência nacional em Interacção pessoa-máquina, 57–60. Minho, Portugal

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2006). Quantitative evaluation of workspace collaboration. In CSCWD: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Computer supported cooperative work in design, 1065–1070. Nanjing, China 10.1109/CSCWD.2006.253155

António Ferreira, Mário Silva (1999). Arquitectura e ensaio de desempenho de um gestor de publicidade na Internet. In CRC: Atas da segunda conferência sobre Redes de computadores, Évora, Portugal

Nuno Maria, Pedro Gaspar, António Ferreira, Mário Silva (1999). SACAz: um sistema de agentes para carregamento de um armazém de dados de acessos Web. In CRC: Atas da segunda conferência sobre Redes de computadores, Évora, Portugal

Nuno Maria, Pedro Gaspar, António Ferreira, Mário Silva (1998). Information preservation in ARIADNE. In DELOS: Proceedings of the 6th workshop on Preservation of digital information, 119–126. Tomar, Portugal

Conference and workshop posters

Maria Beatriz Carmo, Ana Paula Cláudio, António Ferreira, Ana Paula Afonso, Paula Redweik, Cristina Catita, Miguel Centeno Brito, José Nunes Pedrosa (2014). Visualization of solar radiation data in augmented reality. In ISMAR: Proceedings of the 17th international symposium on Mixed and augmented reality, 255–256. Munich, Germany 10.1109/ISMAR.2014.6948437

Nuno Maria, Pedro Gaspar, António Ferreira, Mário Silva (1998). ARIADNE: Digital library architecture. In ECDL: Proceedings of the second international conference on Research and advanced technology for digital libraries, 667–668. Heraklion, Greece 10.1007/3-540-49653-X_53

PhD and MSc dissertations

António Ferreira (2010). Evaluating groupware usability at the cognitive level of human action. PhD dissertation in Informatics. University of Lisbon

António Ferreira (2001). Suporte à publicidade na Internet: Projecto e construção de um gestor de publicidade. MSc dissertation in Informatics. University of Lisbon

Technical reports

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2007). Attentive groupware systems: A framework and a prototype tool. Technical Report 07-31. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2006). Attentive groupware. Techical Report 06-12. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2005). Quantitative analysis of shared workspace usability. Technical Report 05-16. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon

António Ferreira, Pedro Antunes (2005). Analytical evaluation of groupware usability in concerted work scenarios. Technical Report 05-15. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon

António Ferreira (2003). Usos do tempo na disciplina de PDS: Estudo bianual sobre as actividades dos alunos. Technical Report 03-26. Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon

António Ferreira, Carlos Buraca (1997). Segurança e controlo de acesso à Internet. Technical Report. School of Engineering, Technical University of Lisbon

Participation in research projects

SACIM: Situation awareness in critical incident management (2010–2011). Supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through project PTDC/EIA/102875/2008. My contribution: 3 conference papers. The main objective of this project is to study collaborative situation awareness. We propose to model this concept and validate a measurement instrument to ultimately develop a functional prototype that increases situation awareness in critical situations.

A-CSCW: Attentive CSCW (2007–2010). Supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through project PTDC/EIA/67589/2006. My contribution: 1 PhD dissertation, 2 journal articles, 1 book chapter, 4 conference papers, 2 technical reports, 1 software prototype. The objective of this project is to study how technology may influence group attention in the collaborative context. We propose prototyping specialised attentive devices and using these devices in laboratory experiments to understand the role of group attention in CSCW.

E-voting: A new architectural framework for handling risk in e-voting systems (2005–2006). Supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through project POSI/EIA/57038/2004. My contribution: 3 conference papers, 3 technical reports. This project analyses the problems associated to general e-voting systems, relating them with the system architecture and components, and finding new ways to deploy systems with reduced risk levels.

ARIADNE: Público digital (1997–2000). Supported by Agência de Inovação through PRAXIS XXI, Medida 3.1b. My contribution: 1 MSc dissertation, 3 conference papers, 1 poster, 1 software prototype. The objective of this project is to develop an integrated information system to enable archiving, searching, personalised editing, remote printing, notification and payments in digital format, through the Internet.

Volunteer reviewing

Project reviews

LACCIR (2009). 1 review of a 50k USD project proposal from Universidad de Chile (Chile) and Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) for the Latin American and Caribbean Collaborative Information and Communication Technologies Research Federation

LACCIR (2008). 1 review of a 58k USD project proposal from Universidad de la República (Uruguay), Universidad Nacional de la Plata (Argentina), and Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Brazil) for the Latin American and Caribbean Collaborative Information and Communication Technologies Research Federation

Journal article reviews

TIIS (2017). 1 review of a 36 page article submission for the Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems journal (1100 words)

TOCHI (2014). 1 review of a 31 page article submission for the Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction journal (950 words)

UMUAI (2011). 2 reviews of a 14 page article submission for the special issue on Context-Adaptive Collaboration Support for Knowledge-intense Work of the User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction journal (3300 + 2700 words)

GDN (2009). 1 review of a 25 page article submission for a special issue of the Group Decision and Negotiation journal (890 words)

Book chapter reviews

CSCWD (2007). 3 reviews of 10 page chapter submissions for the book CSCW in Design III, published by Springer (300 words/review)

Conference and workshop paper reviews

CISTI (2017). 4 reviews of 3-6 page paper submissions for the 12th iberian conference on Information systems and technology (490 words/review)

InfoVis (2014). 1 review of a 9 page paper submission for the 20th IEEE conference on Information visualization (800 words)

VAST (2014). 1 review of a 9 page paper submission for the 9th IEEE conference on Visual analytics science and technology (940 words)

HICSS (2008). 1 review of a 10 page paper submission for the 42nd Hawaii international conference on System sciences (690 words)

BHCI (2008). 3 reviews of 4 page paper submissions for the 22nd British HCI group annual conference on People and computers (840 words/review)