Projects @tc


look inside a selection! 

ImTV - "On-Demand Immersive-TV for Communities of Media Producers and Consumers", FCT UTAustin|Portugal project, with participation of research teams from FCT/UNL, Inesc Porto, FCUL/LaSIGE/HCIM, UTAustin/USA, RTP, Zon, FCCN, Duvideo and MOG, 2010-2014.  

NAADIR - "A New Approach on Architectural Drawings Integrating Computer Descriptions", FCT project, with participation of research teams from FA/UTL, LabMAG and LaSIGE-HCIM at FCUL, 2010-2013.
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NAADIR at "Formas & Fórmulas Exhibition": Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, FCUL, Lisboa, June 1st 2012 - June 29th 2014. (img from installation)

VIRUS - "Video Information Retrieval Using Subtitles", FCT project, with participation of research teams from LaSIGE-HCIM and XLDB Groups at FCUL, 2010-2012.

ARIA - "Ambient-assisted Reading Interfaces for the Ageing-society", FCT project, with participation of research teams from LaSIGE-HCIM, INESC, and CITI/FCT-UNL, 2010-2013.


Image in Science and Art
A collaboration with the Image in Science and Art research project, with participation of Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da UL, Museu de Medicina da FMUL, Faculdade de Belas Artes da UL, partnership of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Espaços do Desenho, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, and Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, and hosted by FCUL, since 2009.

HVet: Hipervídeo Veterinário
A collaboration of Núcleo Setorial de Informática do Centro de Ciências Rurais da Univ. Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Brasil, with Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, and LaSIGE-HCIM Group, Portugal, since 2007.

Creative Evolutionary Video Editing & Digital Video Art
A collaboration of LaSIGE-HCIM Group with IMG: Interactive Multimedia Group at CITI/FCT-UNL, UniCamp: Universidade Estadual de Campinas in Brasil, and LabMag/FCUL, since 2004.

Individual and Collaborative Learning with Hypervideo
A collaboration of LaSIGE-HCIM Group with ZGDV: Computer Graphics Center in Darmstadt and KMRC: Knowledge Media Research Centre in Tübingen, Germany, since 2003.

Hypervideos for Communicating and Learning Mathematics
study, design and development
A collaboration of LaSIGE-HCIM Group with CMAF: Centro de Matemática e Aplicações Fundamentais da Universidade de Lisboa,  CalTech: California Institute of Technology, and TU-Berlin: Technical University of Berlin, since 2000.

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RiCoBA - "Rich Content Books for All", a POSI project, with participation of research teams from LaSIGE-HCIM Group, INESC, and Biblioteca Nacional, 2005-2008.

IPSOM - "Indexing, Integration and Sound Retrieval in Multimedia Documents", a POSI project, with participation of research teams from INESC, Biblioteca Nacional and LaSIGE-HCIM Group, 2001-2004.

SAVE - "Educational Audio Visual Production and Dissemination Systems", a Sapiens project, with participation of research teams from LaSIGE-HCIM Group, Universidade Aberta, Instituto de Comunicação Multimédia, 2001-2002.  

UNIBASE – "Interactive Multimedia Open and Distance Learning", a PRAXIS XXI project, with participation of research teams from Universidade Aberta and DI/FCUL (LaSIGE-HCIM Group, after its foundation in 1998), 1998-2000.

BROADCAST - "Basic Research On Advanced Distributed Computing: from Algorithms to Systems" (ESPRIT Basic Research Project 6360), with the participation of eight international universities and research centers, 1992-1995.

Edifícios Inteligentes (Intelligent Buildings), a PIDDAC Project, at LNEC: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (participation between Oct. 1987 and Oct. 1988).


CATS - "Computer Assessable Task System"
a modular task system to support & evaluate problem solving in mathematics
A collaboration of LaSIGE-HCIM Group with LabMag/FCUL and DM/FCUL, since 2005-2006.

More info at Publications