In 2015
— Novelty Grammatical Swarm
In 2013
—Video Jogos Evolutivos
—Avatares na Língua Gestual Portuguesa
In 2012
—Drama Management in Interactive Fiction
—Interpretação da Língua Gestual Portuguesa
—www.OQueHá?: Looking for events over the web, happening here and now, using Natural Language.
—Online and Distributed Evolutionary Robotics
—Detection of Outliers and Outliers Clustering on
Large Datasets with Distributed Computing
In 2011
This Radio Bot: An artificial Radio
—Percussion Graphs : An Automated Approach for
—DEVELOP-FPS: a tool for developing rule based behaviors for virtual characters
—Experiments in Evolutionary Collective Robotics
—Robotic CanCan: Lego Robots dancing the CanCan in real time
—Adaptation and Learning of Intelligent Agents in Interactive Environments
(in co-orientation with
Pedro Amado from
—Modelling the Traffic System