Emergence of Conventions

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Urbano, P., Balsa, J., Antunes, L., Moniz, L. (2009). Efficiency of the emergence of consensus in complex networks - assessing force influence. Versão revista e reavaliada de [12]. Inteligencia Artificial (ISSN: 1137-3601), LatinAmerican Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 13, Nº 42, pp. 55-62, edited by the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (AEPIA).

Urbano, P., Balsa, J., Antunes, L., Moniz, L. (2009). Force versus majority: A comparison in convention emergence efficiency. In Virginia Dignum and Eric Matson, editors, Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems IV (COIN IV), a refereed post-workshop proceedings of the International Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems, COIN 2008, held as two events at AAMAS 2008, the 7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems in Estoril, Portugal, in May 2008 and AAAI 2008 Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Chicago, USA, in July 2008.  LNAI 5428 Springer Verlag.

Urbano, P., Balsa J., Antunes, Luís, and Moniz L., (2008). Force versus majority: A comparison in convention emergence efficiency. In Virginia Dignum and Eric Matson, editors, Proceedings of the AAAI/COIN Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems. Technical Report WS-08-03. Published by The AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, pp 69-67.

Urbano, P., Balsa, J., Antunes, L., Moniz, L. (2008). Efficiency of the emergence of consensus in complex networks - assessing force influence. In Proceedings of the Iberagents’08, the 7th Iberoamerican Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems. ISCTE Lisboa,  October 14 -17, 2008..

Urbano, P., Balsa, J., Antunes, L., Moniz, L. (2008). Efficiency of the emergence of consensus in complex networks - assessing force influence. In António Rocha Costa, editor, Proceedings of the BWSS/SBIA Workshop.

Urbano, P, Coelho H, (2005). From Consensus to Consensus. Proceedings of 12th EPIA 2005, IEEE.

Urbano, P., Antunes, L., Coelho, H. (2003). Applications of consensus games to the selection of metrical conventions. n Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA'2003), Vienna, 12-14 February 2003.