Este template é baseado no livro do Kruschke Doing Bayesian data analysis:

É necessário a versão actual do OpenBUGS

## Welcome to BRugs connected to OpenBUGS version 3.2.3

# Specify the model in BUGS language, but save it as a string in R:
modelString = "
# BUGS model specification begins ...
model {
    # Likelihood:
    for ( i in 1:nFlips ) {
        y[i] ~ dbern( theta )
    # Prior distribution:
    theta ~ dbeta( priorA , priorB )
    priorA <- 1
    priorB <- 1
# ... BUGS model specification ends.
" # close quote to end modelString

# Write the modelString to a file, using R commands:
# Use BRugs to send the model.txt file to BUGS, which checks the model syntax:
modelCheck( "model.txt" )
## model is syntactically correct

# Specify the data in R, using a list format compatible with BUGS:
dataList = list(
    nFlips = 14 ,
    y = c( 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0 )

# Use BRugs commands to put the data into a file and ship the file to BUGS:
modelData( bugsData( dataList ) )
## data loaded

modelCompile()  # BRugs command tells BUGS to compile the model.
## model compiled
modelGenInits() # BRugs command tells BUGS to randomly initialize a chain.
## initial values generated, model initialized

# BRugs tells BUGS to keep a record of the sampled "theta" values:
samplesSet( "theta" )
## monitor set for variable 'theta'
# R command defines a new variable that specifies an arbitrary chain length:
chainLength = 10000
# BRugs tells BUGS to generate a MCMC chain:
modelUpdate( chainLength )
## 10000 updates took 0 s

thetaSample = samplesSample( "theta" ) # BRugs asks BUGS for the sample values.
thetaSummary = samplesStats( "theta" ) # BRugs asks BUGS for summary statistics.
##         mean     sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
## theta 0.7503 0.1043 0.001108   0.5226 0.7607     0.918     1  10000

samplesHistory("theta", mfrow = c(1, 1))

samplesDensity("theta", mfrow = c(1, 1))

samplesAutoC("theta", 1, mfrow = c(1, 1))

Exercício 1

modelString = "
model {
  for (i in 1:N) {
     r[i] ~ dbin(p[i], n[i])
     p[i] ~ dbeta(1,1)
modelCheck( "modelo_ex1.txt" )
## model is syntactically correct
# Load Data
dataList = list(
modelData( bugsData( dataList ) )
## data loaded
modelCompile( numChains = 2 ) # we will use two chains
## model compiled
# Load Initialization 
initData = list (      # in this case we have two chains

genInitFactory <- function()  {
  i <- 0
  function() {
    i <<- i + 1
    list(             # \
      p=initData[[i]] # | adapt to your specific exercise    
    )                 # /

genInit <- genInitFactory()

for (chainIdx in 1:length(initData)) {
  modelInits( bugsInits( genInit ) )
## Initializing chain 1: 
## initial values loaded and chain initialized but another chain contain uninitialized variables
## Initializing chain 2: 
## model is initialized
######################################################## = 1000               # burn the first iterations
modelUpdate( )
## 1000 updates took 0 s
# Keep track of:
samplesSet( "p" )
## monitor set for variable 'p'
# Run the chain:
chainLength = 1000
modelUpdate( chainLength, thin = 10 )
## 1000 updates took 0 s
# Check results:
pSample = NULL
pSummary = NULL
for (i in 1:N) {
  pSample  <- rbind( pSample,  samplesSample( paste0("p[",i,"]") ) )
  pSummary <- rbind( pSummary, samplesStats(  paste0("p[",i,"]") ) )
##          mean       sd  MC_error  val2.5pc  median val97.5pc start sample
## p[1]  0.02049 0.019700 0.0004593 0.0005119 0.01488   0.07276  1001   2000
## p[2]  0.12590 0.027240 0.0005839 0.0777600 0.12480   0.18150  1001   2000
## p[3]  0.07466 0.023010 0.0005596 0.0357800 0.07264   0.12670  1001   2000
## p[4]  0.05773 0.007985 0.0001821 0.0432400 0.05767   0.07440  1001   2000
## p[5]  0.04233 0.013900 0.0003100 0.0192500 0.04099   0.07277  1001   2000
## p[6]  0.07077 0.018290 0.0003933 0.0389200 0.06959   0.10990  1001   2000
## p[7]  0.06707 0.020310 0.0003697 0.0326500 0.06538   0.11290  1001   2000
## p[8]  0.14750 0.024020 0.0005492 0.1014000 0.14630   0.19840  1001   2000
## p[9]  0.07204 0.017960 0.0003779 0.0399900 0.07086   0.11070  1001   2000
## p[10] 0.09047 0.028250 0.0006204 0.0423800 0.08834   0.15500  1001   2000
## p[11] 0.11620 0.019940 0.0004339 0.0788200 0.11620   0.15600  1001   2000
## p[12] 0.06935 0.013200 0.0002657 0.0459000 0.06868   0.09824  1001   2000
samplesHistory("*", mfrow = c(4, 3))

Segue um boxplot da simulaçao de cada um dos hospitais:

boxplot(pSample, use.cols=FALSE, xlab="Hospital", ylab="% morte")
abline(h=mean(pSummary$mean), col="red", lwd=1)

Exercício 2

modelString = "
# y[i] quantidade de oxigenio para o i-esimo paciente
# x[i] freq. cardiaca para o i-esimo paciente

model {
    # verosimilhança
    for (i in 1:N) {
        y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau)  
        mu[i] <- alpha + beta * (x[i] - xbar) # retirar a média ajuda nas auto-correlações
    # distribuições à priori
    tau ~ dgamma(1.0E-6, 1.0E-6)
    sigma <- 1/tau
    alpha ~ dnorm(0.0, 1.0E-6)
    beta ~ dnorm(0.0, 1.0E-6)
    alpha0 <- alpha - xbar*beta   # repor o ajuste da média: esta é variável que temos de monitorar
modelCheck( "modelo_ex2.txt" )
## model is syntactically correct
# Load Data
dataList = list(
  x    = c(94,96,94,95,104,106,108,113,115,121,131),
  xbar = 107,   
  y    = c(0.47,0.75,0.83,0.98,1.18,1.29,1.4,1.6,1.75,1.9,2.23), 
  N    = 11
modelData( bugsData( dataList ) )
## data loaded
modelCompile( numChains = 2 ) # we will use two chains
## model compiled
# Load Initialization 
alphas <- c(0.0, 10.0) # values for each chain
betas  <- c(0.0, 20.0) 
taus   <- c(1.0, 10.0)

genInitFactory <- function()  {
  i <- 0
  function() {
    i <<- i + 1
      alpha = alphas[i],
      beta  = betas[i],
      tau   = taus[i]

genInit <- genInitFactory()

for (chainIdx in 1:length(initData)) {
  modelInits( bugsInits( genInit ) )
## Initializing chain 1: 
## initial values loaded and chain initialized but another chain contain uninitialized variables
## Initializing chain 2: 
## model is initialized
######################################################## = 1000               # burn the first iterations
modelUpdate( )
## 1000 updates took 0 s
# Keep track of:
samplesSet( c("alpha0", "beta", "sigma") )
## monitor set for variable 'alpha0'
## monitor set for variable 'beta'
## monitor set for variable 'sigma'
# Run the chain:
chainLength = 1000
modelUpdate( chainLength, thin = 10 )
## 1000 updates took 0 s
# Check results:
sample.alpha <- samplesSample("alpha0")
stats.alpha  <- samplesStats("alpha0")
##          mean     sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
## alpha0 -3.277 0.4088 0.007766   -4.091 -3.276    -2.471  1001   2000
sample.beta <- samplesSample("beta")
stats.beta  <- samplesStats("beta")
##         mean       sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
## beta 0.04283 0.003788 7.42e-05  0.03527 0.0428   0.05036  1001   2000
sample.sigma <- samplesSample("sigma")
stats.sigma  <- samplesStats("sigma")
##         mean      sd  MC_error val2.5pc  median val97.5pc start sample
## sigma 0.0221 0.01442 0.0003127 0.008145 0.01844   0.05776  1001   2000
samplesHistory("*", mfrow = c(2, 2))

samplesAutoC("*", 1, mfrow = c(2, 2))
samplesAutoC("*", 2, mfrow = c(2, 2))

O resultado pedido - as distribuições à posteriori do \(\alpha\), \(\beta\) e \(\sigma^2\):

samplesDensity("*", mfrow = c(2, 2))

Podemos estimar os valores dos parâmetros:

sigma.params <- fitdistr(sample.sigma, "Gamma")
##    shape 
## 3.884742
##     rate 
## 175.7624

Isto resulta numa distribuição \(\sigma^2|x \sim\) Gamma(3.88,175.8)

xs <- seq(0.001,0.3,0.001)
ys <- dgamma(xs,sigma.params$estimate['shape'], sigma.params$estimate['rate'])

Façamos o mesmo para \(\alpha\) e \(\beta\):

alpha.params <- fitdistr(sample.alpha, "normal")
##     mean 
## -3.27685
##        sd 
## 0.4087547
beta.params <- fitdistr(sample.beta, "normal")
##       mean 
## 0.04283244
##          sd 
## 0.003788456

Assim, \(\alpha|x \sim\) N(-3.28,0.409\(^2\)) e \(\beta|x \sim\) N(0.0428,0.00379\(^2\)).

Exercício 3

3a) Uso de distribuições vagas para \(\lambda_C\) e \(\lambda_E\):

modelString = "
model {
  for(i in 1:N) {
    cont[i] ~ dpois(lambda.c)
    exp[i]  ~ dpois(lambda.e)

  lambda.c ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001) # c = grupo controlo
  lambda.e ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001) # e = grupo experimental
  delta <- lambda.c - lambda.e
modelCheck( "modelo_ex3.txt" )
## model is syntactically correct
# Load Data
dataList = list(
  cont = rep(0:7,c(138,77,46,12,8,5,0,2)),
  exp  = rep(0:7,c(147,83,37,13,3,2,2,1)),
  N = 288
modelData( bugsData( dataList ) )
## data loaded
## model compiled
# Load Initialization 
genInitFactory <- function()  {
  i <- 0
  function() {
    i <<- i + 1
      lambda.c = 1.0,
      lambda.e = 1.0

genInit <- genInitFactory()
modelInits( bugsInits( genInit ) )
## Initializing chain 1: 
## model is initialized
######################################################## = 1000               # burn the first iterations
modelUpdate( )
## 1000 updates took 0 s
# Keep track of:
samplesSet( "delta" )
## monitor set for variable 'delta'
# Run the chain:
chainLength = 10000
modelUpdate( chainLength, thin = 10 )
## 10000 updates took 0 s
# Check results: <- samplesSample("delta")  <- samplesStats("delta")
##         mean      sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
## delta 0.1346 0.07726  0.00068 -0.01836 0.1338    0.2895  1001  10000
samplesDensity("delta", mfrow = c(1, 1))

A cadeia delta corresponde à diferença de duas gamas que não parece pertencer a uma família conhecida.

Mas podemos usar o pacote coda e encontrar o HPD a 95% e verificar se o zero está lá dentro:


HPDinterval(as.mcmc(, prob=0.95)
##          lower    upper
## var1 -0.010608 0.295946
## attr(,"Probability")
## [1] 0.95

Aqui reparamos que o zero pertence de facto ao intervalo de credibilidade. Não podemos concluir para este grau de confiança que a expeiência é significativa.

3b) Uso de distribuições conjudagas para \(\lambda_C\) e \(\lambda_E\):

modelString = "
model {
  for(i in 1:N) {
    cont[i] ~ dpois(lambda.c)
    exp[i]  ~ dpois(lambda.e)

  lambda.c ~ dexp(1) # c = grupo controlo
  lambda.e ~ dexp(1) # e = grupo experimental
  delta <- lambda.c - lambda.e
modelCheck( "modelo_ex3.txt" )
## model is syntactically correct
# Load Data
dataList = list(
  cont = rep(0:7,c(138,77,46,12,8,5,0,2)),
  exp  = rep(0:7,c(147,83,37,13,3,2,2,1)),
  N = 288
modelData( bugsData( dataList ) )
## data loaded
## model compiled
# Load Initialization 
genInitFactory <- function()  {
  i <- 0
  function() {
    i <<- i + 1
      lambda.c = 1.0,
      lambda.e = 1.0

genInit <- genInitFactory()
modelInits( bugsInits( genInit ) )
## Initializing chain 1: 
## model is initialized
######################################################## = 1000               # burn the first iterations
modelUpdate( )
## 1000 updates took 0 s
# Keep track of:
samplesSet( "delta" )
## monitor set for variable 'delta'
# Run the chain:
chainLength = 10000
modelUpdate( chainLength, thin = 10 )
## 10000 updates took 0 s
# Check results: <- samplesSample("delta")  <- samplesStats("delta")
##         mean     sd  MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
## delta 0.1349 0.0777 0.0007389 -0.01791 0.1344     0.289  1001  10000
samplesDensity("delta", mfrow = c(1, 1))

delta.chain <- as.mcmc(
HPDinterval(delta.chain, prob=0.95)
##          lower    upper
## var1 -0.016698 0.290037
## attr(,"Probability")
## [1] 0.95

O mesmo ocorre com as distribuições conjugadas à priori. Não podemos ter 95% de confiança que a experiência seja significativa.

# other plots from coda package

densplot(delta.chain) # another way to present the density


Exercício 4

modelString = "
model {
  for(i in 1:N) {
    r[i] ~ dbin(theta[i], n[i])
    logit(theta[i]) <- alpha + beta * (x[i] - xbar)

  alpha ~ dbeta(1,1)
  beta  ~ dbeta(1,1)
  alpha0 <- alpha - xbar*beta
modelCheck( "modelo_ex4.txt" )
## model is syntactically correct
# Load Data
dataList = list(
  n = c(59,60,62,56,63,59,62,60),
  r = c(6,13,18,28,52,53,61,60),
  x  = c(1.6907,1.7242,1.7552,1.7842,1.8113,1.8369,1.8610,1.8839),
  xbar = mean(c(1.6907,1.7242,1.7552,1.7842,1.8113,1.8369,1.8610,1.8839)),
  N = 8
modelData( bugsData( dataList ) )
## data loaded
## model compiled
# Load Initialization 
genInitFactory <- function()  {
  i <- 0
  function() {
    i <<- i + 1
      alpha = 0.001,
      beta  = 0.001

genInit <- genInitFactory()
modelInits( bugsInits( genInit ) )
## Initializing chain 1: 
## model is initialized
######################################################## = 1000               # burn the first iterations
modelUpdate( )
## 1000 updates took 0 s
# Keep track of:
samplesSet( "alpha0" )
## monitor set for variable 'alpha0'
samplesSet( "beta" )
## monitor set for variable 'beta'
samplesSet( "theta" )
## monitor set for variable 'theta'
dicSet()  # evaluate Deviance Information Criterion (more info:
## deviance set
# Run the chain:
chainLength = 5000
modelUpdate( chainLength, thin = 1 )
## 5000 updates took 0 s
# Check results:
sample.alpha0 <- samplesSample("alpha0")
stats.alpha0  <- samplesStats("alpha0")
##          mean     sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
## alpha0 -1.161 0.2195  0.01139   -1.462 -1.205   -0.6183  1001   5000
sample.beta <- samplesSample("beta")
stats.beta  <- samplesStats("beta")
##       mean     sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
## beta 0.888 0.1092 0.005647   0.6027 0.9197     0.997  1001   5000
dicStats()  # TODO: não entendo o que isto significa
##        Dbar  Dhat   DIC     pD
## r     293.6 292.7 294.6 0.9774
## total 293.6 292.7 294.6 0.9774
# get theta[1:N]
thetaSample = NULL
thetaSummary = NULL
for (i in 1:N) {
  thetaSample  <- rbind( thetaSample,  samplesSample( paste0("theta[",i,"]") ) )
  thetaSummary <- rbind( thetaSummary, samplesStats(  paste0("theta[",i,"]") ) )
##            mean      sd  MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
## theta[1] 0.5841 0.02258 0.0010140   0.5394 0.5839    0.6296  1001   5000
## theta[2] 0.5913 0.02234 0.0009974   0.5470 0.5913    0.6365  1001   5000
## theta[3] 0.5979 0.02214 0.0009838   0.5540 0.5979    0.6427  1001   5000
## theta[4] 0.6041 0.02197 0.0009724   0.5608 0.6041    0.6485  1001   5000
## theta[5] 0.6098 0.02184 0.0009630   0.5669 0.6096    0.6538  1001   5000
## theta[6] 0.6152 0.02173 0.0009552   0.5723 0.6151    0.6592  1001   5000
## theta[7] 0.6202 0.02163 0.0009488   0.5777 0.6201    0.6645  1001   5000
## theta[8] 0.6250 0.02156 0.0009436   0.5828 0.6248    0.6686  1001   5000
samplesDensity("*", mfrow = c(3, 4))

boxplot(thetaSample, use.cols=FALSE, xlab="Dosagem de CS2", ylab="% morte")

Outras experiências

Um conhecido em 10 afirmações disse 10 mentiras. Qual a probabilidade de dizer verdade da próxima vez?

Analiticamente, temos que, \(y\) o número de verdades em \(N\) afirmações é modelado por uma binomial de parâmetro \(\theta\), ie, \(y \sim\) binomial(\(\theta,N\)).

Escolhemos a distribuição conjugada beta com parâmetros não informativos, ie, \(\theta \sim\) beta(1,1).

Os dados \(x\) são \(y=0\) e \(N=10\). Assim, a posterior \(\theta|x\) é dada por beta(1+y,1+N-y) = beta(1,11)). O valor esperado desta beta é \(E(beta(1,11)) = \frac{1}{1+11} = 8.3\%\)

Vamos fazer o mesmo mas agora via simulação:

modelString = "
model {
  # Likelihood 
  y ~ dbin(theta, N)    # y: número de verdades

  # Priors
  theta ~ dbeta(1, 1)   # theta: probabilidade de dizer verdade
modelCheck( "modelo_ex-a.txt" )
## model is syntactically correct
# Load Data
dataList = list(
  N = 10,
  y = 0
modelData( bugsData( dataList ) )
## data loaded
## model compiled
# Load Initialization 
## initial values generated, model initialized
######################################################## = 1000               # burn the first iterations
modelUpdate( )
## 1000 updates took 0 s
# Keep track of:
samplesSet( "theta" )
## monitor set for variable 'theta'
# Run the chain:
chainLength = 10000
modelUpdate( chainLength, thin = 10 )
## 10000 updates took 0 s
# Check results:
sample.theta <- samplesSample("theta")
stats.theta  <- samplesStats("theta")
##          mean      sd  MC_error val2.5pc  median val97.5pc start sample
## theta 0.08274 0.07565 0.0007628 0.002466 0.06041    0.2835  1001  10000
samplesDensity("theta", mfrow = c(1, 1))

O resultado da simulação diz-nos que há uma média de 8.27% da próxima afirmação ser verdade. Isto corresponde com a solução analítica! :-)

Vamos considerar um problema similar:

Suppose that, in a survey of 1000 people in a state, 400 say they voted in a recent primary election. Actually, though, the voter turnout was only 30%. Give an estimate of the probability that a nonvoter will falsely state that he or she voted. (Assume that all voters honestly report that they voted.) – ref

Assumindo que os 300 votantes dizem a verdade, então temos 100 mentirosos em 700 pessoas. Fazendo as mesmas contas que anteriormente: os dados \(x\) são \(y=100\) e \(N=700\). Assim, a posterior \(\theta|x\) é dada por beta(1+y,1+N-y) = beta(101,601)). O valor esperado desta beta é \(E(beta(101,601)) = \frac{101}{702} = 14.39\%\).

Via simulação:

modelString = "
model {
  # Likelihood 
  y ~ dbin(theta, N)    # y: número de verdades

  # Priors
  theta ~ dbeta(1, 1)   # theta: probabilidade de dizer verdade
modelCheck( "modelo_ex-a.txt" )
## model is syntactically correct
# Load Data
dataList = list(
  N = 700,
  y = 100
modelData( bugsData( dataList ) )
## data loaded
## model compiled
# Load Initialization 
## initial values generated, model initialized
######################################################## = 1000               # burn the first iterations
modelUpdate( )
## 1000 updates took 0 s
# Keep track of:
samplesSet( "theta" )
## monitor set for variable 'theta'
# Run the chain:
chainLength = 10000
modelUpdate( chainLength, thin = 1 )
## 10000 updates took 0 s
# Check results:
sample.theta <- samplesSample("theta")
stats.theta  <- samplesStats("theta")
##         mean      sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
## theta 0.1439 0.01317 0.000131    0.119 0.1434    0.1708  1001  10000
samplesDensity("theta", mfrow = c(1, 1))

A média da simulação é exatamente o mesmo valor do valor esperado.

Podemos estimar qual a distribuição beta mais próxima da densidade obtida:

theta.params <- fitdistr(sample.theta, "beta", list(shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1))
## Warning in densfun(x, parm[1], parm[2], ...): NaNs produced
## Warning in densfun(x, parm[1], parm[2], ...): NaNs produced
## Warning in densfun(x, parm[1], parm[2], ...): NaNs produced
## Warning in densfun(x, parm[1], parm[2], ...): NaNs produced
## Warning in densfun(x, parm[1], parm[2], ...): NaNs produced
## Warning in densfun(x, parm[1], parm[2], ...): NaNs produced
##   shape1 
## 102.2419
##   shape2 
## 608.2619

A optimização diz-nos que a distribuição beta que melhor se ajusta à cadeia é a \(beta(102.24, 608.26)\), o que está muito perto da distribuição correta \(beta(101,601)\).