package dataStructures; import*; import java.util.*; /** *

Titulo: An input/output interface

* @author Joćo Neto * @version 1.0 */ public class IO { private char io; private BufferedReader input = null; private BufferedWriter output = null; public IO(String filename, char mode) throws IOException { io = mode; if (isInput()) input = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(filename) ); else output = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(filename) ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public boolean isInput() { return io=='r'; } public boolean isOutput() { return io=='w'; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String readLine() throws IOException { if (isOutput()) throw new IOException(); return input.readLine(); } public int readInt() throws IOException { if (isOutput()) throw new IOException(); return Integer.parseInt(input.readLine()); } public double readDouble() throws IOException { if (isOutput()) throw new IOException(); return Double.parseDouble(input.readLine()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void write(String s) throws IOException { if (isInput()) throw new IOException(); output.write(s); } public void write(int i) throws IOException { write(""+i); } public void write(char c) throws IOException { write(""+c); } public void write(double d) throws IOException { write(""+d); } public void writeln(String s) throws IOException { write(s+"\r\n"); } public void writeln(int i) throws IOException { writeln(""+i); } public void writeln(char c) throws IOException { writeln(""+c); } public void writeln(double d) throws IOException { writeln(""+d); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void close() throws IOException { if (isInput()) input.close(); else output.close(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StringTokenizer st; String stSps; boolean hasNextTok = false; String actualTok = ""; public void newTok(String separators) throws IOException { if (isOutput()) throw new IOException(); try { stSps = separators; String line = input.readLine(); if (line==null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); st = new StringTokenizer(line,stSps); actualTok = st.nextToken(); hasNextTok = true; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { actualTok = ""; hasNextTok = false; } } public void newTok() throws IOException { newTok(" \n\t\r"); } public boolean hasTok() { return hasNextTok; } public String getTok() { return actualTok; } public void nextTok() throws IOException { if (!hasNextTok) return; try { if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { String line = input.readLine(); if (line==null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); st = new StringTokenizer(line,stSps); } actualTok = st.nextToken(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { actualTok = ""; hasNextTok = false; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT STATIC METHODS FOR MONITOR AND KEYBOARD // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static BufferedReader in; private static BufferedWriter out, err; static { in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ); out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(System.out) ); err = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(System.err) ); } public static char getChar() { while (true) try { return in.readLine().charAt(0); } catch (Exception e) { put("Expect char:"); } } public static int getInt() { while (true) try { return Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); } catch (Exception e) { put("Expect integer:"); } } public static double getDouble() { while (true) try { return Double.parseDouble(in.readLine()); } catch (Exception e) { put("Expect double:"); } } public static String getLine() { try { return in.readLine(); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; // never reach here } } public static void put(String s) { try { out.write(s); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { try { err.write("Unable to write: " + s); } catch (IOException e1) {}; } } public static void put(int i) { put(""+i); } public static void put(char c) { put(""+c); } public static void put(double d) { put(""+d); } public static void nl() { put("\n"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // alguns exemplos public static void main(String[] agrs) throws IOException { // exemplos com ficheiros IO y = new IO("intest.txt",'r'); int a = y.readInt(); double b = y.readDouble(); String c = y.readLine(); y.close(); IO x = new IO("outtest.txt",'w'); x.writeln("Test:"+a); x.writeln(b); x.writeln(c); x.close(); // exemplos com monitor e teclado double d = IO.getDouble(); IO.put(d+100);; String s = IO.getLine(); IO.put(s+"!"); // exemplo com tokens IO t = new IO("tokens.txt",'r'); for(t.newTok();t.hasTok();t.nextTok()) IO.put(t.getTok() + "/"); } }