package dataStructures; /** *

Titulo: Uma implementaçao dinâmica da Árvore Binária de Pesquisa


Descrição: Esta implementaçao usa um nó com duas referências que guardam as subárvores esquerda e direita
Para além disso, considera-se que os valores menores que a raiz estão à esquerda e os maiores à direita.

* @version 1.0 */ public class DSearchBinTree extends DBinTree implements SearchBinTree { public DSearchBinTree() { super(); } //@ requires isSearchable(t); public DSearchBinTree(BinTree t) { constr(t.root(),t.left(),t.right()); } /** * Determina se 'o' é < que os valores da árvore * @param t A arvore a procurar * @param o O Objecto a comparar * @return TRUE se 'o' é menor que o mínimo da árvore, FALSE c.c. */ private boolean lt(BinTree t, Comparable o) { if (t.isEmpty()) return true; return t.left().isEmpty()? o.compareTo(t.root())<0: lt(t.left(),o); } /** * Determina se 'o' é >= que os valores da árvore * @param t A arvore a procurar * @param o O Objecto a comparar * @return TRUE se 'o' é >= que o máximo da árvore, FALSE c.c. */ private boolean gt(BinTree t, Comparable o) { if (t.isEmpty()) return true; return t.right().isEmpty()? o.compareTo(t.root())>=0: gt(t.right(),o); } public boolean isSearchable(BinTree t) { if (t.isEmpty()) return true; if (!(t.root() instanceof Comparable)) return false; return isSearchable(t.left()) && isSearchable(t.right()) && gt(t.left(),(Comparable)t.root()) && lt(t.right(),(Comparable)t.root()); } public boolean occurs(Comparable o) { if (isEmpty()) return false; if (root().equals(o)) return true; return o.compareTo(root())<0 ? ((SearchBinTree)left()).occurs(o) : ((SearchBinTree)right()).occurs(o); } public void insert(Comparable o) { if (isEmpty()) // se a árvore estiver vazia, insere novo nó constr(o,new DSearchBinTree(),new DSearchBinTree()); else if (o.compareTo(root())<=0) // se 'o' <= q a raiz, ir p/esquerda ((SearchBinTree)left()).insert(o); else // senão, ir p/direita ((SearchBinTree)right()).insert(o); } /** * @return A referência do nó mais à direita (ie, o maior elemento) */ private Object rightNode() { return right().isEmpty() ? root() : ((DSearchBinTree)right()).rightNode(); } /** * Elimina o nó que estiver mais à direita (ie, o maior elemento) */ private void removeRightNode() { if (right().isEmpty()) { if (left().isEmpty()) constr(null,null,null); else constr(left().root(),left().left(),left().right()); } else ((DSearchBinTree)right()).removeRightNode(); } public void remove(Comparable o) { if (isEmpty()) return; if (root().equals(o)) { // encontrou! if (left().isEmpty() && right().isEmpty()) constr(null,null,null); else if (left().isEmpty()) constr(right().root(),right().left(),right().right()); else if (right().isEmpty()) constr(left().root(),left().left(),left().right()); else { constr(((DSearchBinTree)left()).rightNode(),left(),right()); ((DSearchBinTree)left()).removeRightNode(); } } else // (ainda) não encontrou if (o.compareTo(root())<=0) ((SearchBinTree)left()).remove(o); else ((SearchBinTree)right()).remove(o); } public Object clone() { DSearchBinTree result = new DSearchBinTree(); if (!isEmpty()) result.constr(root(), (SearchBinTree)left().clone(), (SearchBinTree)right().clone()); return result; } /////// versoes iterativas public boolean occursIt(Comparable o) { SearchBinTree t = this; while (!t.isEmpty()) if (t.root().equals(o)) return true; else t = (SearchBinTree)(o.compareTo(t.root())<0 ? t.left() : t.right()); return false; } public void insertIt(Comparable o) { SearchBinTree t = this; while (!t.isEmpty()) t = (SearchBinTree)(o.compareTo(t.root())<=0 ? t.left() : t.right()); t.constr(o,new DSearchBinTree(),new DSearchBinTree()); } public void removeIt(Comparable o) { SearchBinTree t = this; while (!t.isEmpty()) if (t.root().equals(o)) { if (t.left().isEmpty() && t.right().isEmpty()) // is a leaf t.constr(null,null,null); else if (t.left().isEmpty()) t.constr(t.right().root(),t.right().left(),t.right().right()); else if (t.right().isEmpty()) t.constr(t.left().root(),t.left().left(),t.left().right()); else { // replace with the rightmost node of the left subtree t.constr(((DSearchBinTree)t.left()).rightNode(),t.left(),t.right()); ((DSearchBinTree)t.left()).removeRightNode(); } break; } else t = (SearchBinTree)(o.compareTo(t.root())<0 ? t.left() : t.right()); } //******************************************************************** public static void main(String[] args) { DSearchBinTree t = new DSearchBinTree(); t.insert(new Integer(3)); System.out.print(t.isSearchable(t)?"y":"n"); t.insert(new Integer(4)); System.out.print(t.isSearchable(t)?"y":"n"); BinTree tr = t.right(); t.remove(new Integer(3)); System.out.print(t.isSearchable(t)?"y":"n"); System.out.println("tr==t?"+(t.equals(tr)?"y":"n")); t.insert(new Integer(5)); System.out.print(t.isSearchable(t)?"y":"n"); t.insert(new Integer(1)); System.out.print(t.isSearchable(t)?"y":"n"); t.insert(new Integer(2)); System.out.print(t.isSearchable(t)?"y":"n"); t.insert(new Integer(3)); System.out.print(t.isSearchable(t)?"y":"n"); System.out.print(t+"--------------\n"); DSearchBinTree tit = new DSearchBinTree(); tit.insertIt(new Integer(3)); tit.insertIt(new Integer(4)); tit.removeIt(new Integer(3)); tit.insertIt(new Integer(50)); tit.insertIt(new Integer(1)); tit.insertIt(new Integer(2)); tit.insertIt(new Integer(3)); tit.removeIt(new Integer(3)); tit.removeIt(new Integer(4)); System.out.print(tit+"--------------\n"); System.out.print(tit.isSearchable(tit)?"y":"n"); DSearchBinTree t1 = (DSearchBinTree)t.clone(); System.out.println("t1==t?"+(t.equals(t1)?"y":"n")); t.remove(new Integer(5)); t.remove(new Integer(3)); t.remove(new Integer(20)); System.out.print(t+"--------------\n"); System.out.print(t1); System.out.print(t.occurs(new Integer(8))?"y":"n"); System.out.print(t.occurs(new Integer(3))?"y":"n"); System.out.print(t.occurs(new Integer(1))?"y":"n"); System.out.print(t.occurs(new Integer(2))?"y":"n"); System.out.print(t.occursIt(new Integer(8))?"It:y":"It:n"); System.out.print(t.occursIt(new Integer(3))?"y":"n"); System.out.print(t.occursIt(new Integer(1))?"y":"n"); System.out.print(t.occursIt(new Integer(2))?"y":"n"); System.out.print(t.length()); System.out.print(t.isSearchable(t)?"y":"n"); DBinTree tv = new DBinTree(); DBinTree t1a = new DBinTree("M",tv,tv); DBinTree t2 = new DBinTree("D",tv,tv); DBinTree t3 = new DBinTree("B",tv,tv); DBinTree t4 = new DBinTree("I",tv,t1a); DBinTree t5 = new DBinTree("C",t3,t2); DBinTree t6 = new DBinTree("F",t5,t4); System.out.print(t.isSearchable(t6)?"y":"n"); DSearchBinTree a = new DSearchBinTree(t6); System.out.println(a.isSearchable(a)?"y":"n"); System.out.print(a); } } // endClass DBinTree