Copyright (c) 2004 Christian Roullier

This game is played with the following setup (the cells with black squares are not used):

Each player has one tower and four pawns.

  • VISIBILITY - A piece is visible if no other piece is over it. Otherwise, it is invisible.

  • TURN - On each turn, each player must move a friendly visible piece (or pass if it has no valid move):

    • A piece (tower or pawn) adjacent to 1 piece (of either color) moves to an adjacent cell.

    • A piece (tower or pawn) adjacent to 2 pieces (of either color) moves exactly 2 cells in a straight line.

    • A piece (tower or pawn) adjacent to 3 pieces (of either color) moves exactly 3 cells in a straight line.

      • The traveled cells must be empty except the destination cell which may be occupied. In that case, the moving piece moves over the piece(s) already there (which become invisible).

      • A stack is not moved as a unique piece, only the visible stone of that stack can move.

      • Isolated pieces or adjacent to more than 3 pieces cannot move.

  • The red cells cannot be crossed or moved to.

  • GOAL - Wins the player that moves his tower to the enemy tower initial cell.

A starting example

Black moves a3 to b4 (it had one adjacent piece) making a stack of size 2.

White moved away its f5 to f6, preparing e4:e6 (if then, d6-e6, White replies f6:e6)

A winning move

Black's move. He moves his tower from b3 to d3 (moving over a white pawn). On the next turn, he may move into the winning cell (since the tower is only adjacent to one piece, he can move to an adjacent cell).

Check for more information about this and other games played on this small board.