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Line 5 is played on a Dvonn board. Each player has 9 stones off-board. This board wraps horizontally around the rows.

  • TURN PHASE - Each player alternately drops a friendly stone in an empty cell, until all the stones are on the board.
  • JUMP PHASE - On each turn, each player move one friendly stone.
    • Stones can move to adjacent empty cells or jump over adjacent  stones (of either color) landing on the immediate next empty cell.
      • Jumps are not mandatory (there are no captures).
      • A jump sequence cannot end at the starting cell.
  • GOAL - Wins the player that makes a 5 in-a-row with friendly stones .
An example

Black's turn. White is almost winning (if he moves to [2]). Black could prevent it by jumping his marked stone to [2] thru [1].

However, Black has an immediate win by moving to cell [3] making an horizontal 5 in-a-row (remember: the rows wrap).

I wish to thank Lada Urbanova for this game information. A related game is Holly and Trop.