Copyright (c) 2003 Jason Smulevitch

This game is played on a 8x8 square board (with cell coloring):

There is also 80 neutral stones (of a third color) off board.

  • TURNS - On each turn, each player move any knight of either color (or pass if it has no valid move).
    • Knights move like chess knights, i.e., to one of the nearest empty cells not in the same row, column or diagonal.
    • After the move, the player drops a neutral stone on the cell the knight just left, and collects points according to the following list:
      • Just moved a friendly knight over a friendly cell: 3 points.
      • Just moved a friendly knight over an enemy cell: 2 points.
      • Just moved an enemy knight over a friendly cell: 2 points.
      • Just moved an enemy knight over an enemy cell: 1 point.
    • When both players pass, the game ends .
  • GOAL - Wins the player with more points (if equal, wins the second player).
An example

Green's turn. A possible reply is move the green knight at a3 into b5 (getting 2 points, since a friendly knight just moved into an enemy cell).

This way, Black cannot use much more his friendly knights and thus, is unable to make 3 points move.

This game entered at the 2004 Shared Pieces Game Design Competition and was considered among the best entries.