Copyright (c) 2000 Max Gerchambeau, Dujardin

This game is played on a 9x9 board with the following setup:

The middle piece is called the King and the initial cell where it lies is the throne.
The remaining pieces are called knights.
TURN -  On each turn, each player moves one friendly piece.
Pieces may (a) move to an (orthogonal or diagonal) adjacent empty cell or (b) jump over an adjacent knight (of either color) landing on the immediate next cell (which must be empty. Jumps can be multiple but are not mandatory.
Knights have some extra restrictions.
Jumps over enemy knights are only legal if the enemy knight is smaller (i.e., no jumps over same size or larger knights). There is one exception: knights of size 1 are the only ones allowed to jump enemy knights of size 4.
Knights cannot move or cross either throne.
Kings have some extra privileges:
Kings can jump over any piece (any knight and also the enemy king).
Kings can capture any enemy knight by moving to its cell. However, the captured knight is not removed from play: the player must drop it in any empty cell.   
Capture: Any piece may capture the enemy King by moving to its cell.
Knights do not capture each other, they may only block each other.
GOAL - Wins the player that captures the enemy King or moves his King into the enemy throne.