Copyright (c) 1976 Matt Crispis

This game is played on an 10x7 square board with the following setup.

CITY - The cities are the central cells on each first row (in the diagram, the cells with dots).
TURN - On each turn, each player must move one of his stacks with size > 1 (i.e., single stones do not move):
MOVEMENT - The stack moves in any diagonal direction or combination of diagonal directions, leaving one stone at a time on each cell it is moving over.
While in the moving sequence, the stack cannot move to the opposite last direction (e.g., if it moved northeast the next step cannot be to southwest). With sufficient stones, a stack may return to the cell it started.
On the first two turns, each player must advance their chosen stacks and occupy at least one empty cell. 
CAPTURES - To make one capture there are two conditions:
1) The last stone must land over a single stone;
2) If adjacent to the cell of 1) there are enemy stacks surrounded by all sides by friendly stacks, these enemy stacks are captured.
In the middle of the board, each cell is surrounded by four cells (orthogonal directions). In the edge they are 3 cells. The corners are surrounded by just 2 cells. 
GOAL - A player wins by capturing the enemy city (it does not matter if it has stacks on it) in the same way as capturing stacks.
Another way to win is to leave the opponent with no valid moves (i.e., all his stacks have size 1).

The stack can move in the 1-2-3-4 combination of diagonal directions, leaving one stone on each cell.

Another Moving

In this sample, the stack returns one stone to the initial cell.


In the top diagram, black can capture the white stack by moving its stack of size 3.



He moves the stack SE, SE and NE landing on a single stone.

Since the white stack is surrounded by all sides, it is captured.

Some words from the author: [Intermedium] is simple to learn, but may lead to complicated situations that require deep analysis and forward thinking. Single pieces do no move, but they are useful a stepping stones for your captures. And they may become alive by putting another piece over them. Before you master the game, avoid early attacks against the City that  may prove costly. Build up your strength gradually and evenly by dominating, if possible, the center. You should also avoid building 'formidable' stacks of six or more pieces - if taken you may lose the game at one stroke. Leave some forces behind to defend your City in case of emergency.