Copyright (c) ? Alvydas Jakeliunas

The game is played on a 9x9 square board. Each player begins with 34 stones off-board. 

MOVE - On each turn, each player must do one of the following:
Move a stone into an orthogonally adjacent empty cell and drop a stone into an empty cell (the move is optional, but the drop isn't).
Jump over an (orthogonal) adjacent line of enemy stones capturing them.
A stone cannot jump over exactly two enemy stones.
Multiple jumping is mandatory (but there's no maximum capture rule)
Jumping/capturing takes precedence over moving/dropping.
If the enemy captured N stones on the last move, and the actual player also captures N stones, these last ones are returned to the enemy.
When a player cannot move, wins the player with most points (one positive point for each prisoner, one negative point for each friendly stone on the board edge).
A capture example

This is a mandatory turn for Blue. All the marked red stones are captured

Beware with your captures

Red dropped the marked stone. That was a bad move. Blue must capture it with f5:d5, then Red must capture d4:d6 but he must return the captured stone to blue (the same number of captures as in the previous move).

A Tesuji

If Red play at cell [1], Blue must capture it with d5:b5. Then Red capture two stones with f5:d5:d7.

More information at Jakeliuna's website.