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Entropy Chess

"It's all getting pretty confuse, down here."


The main ideia was to produce an increasely confused chess position for each turn of the game. Kind of an entropy force in the chess board... This is just one idea to produce it, there may be more!

Entropy Chess

  1. All FIDE rules apply except in the following:
  2. After each move, the player can make an optional "brownian move", i.e., pick an enemy piece (except the king and the last moved piece) and put it on a empty square not attacked by the player's pieces. Bishops, if moved, must be placed in squares of the same color.
  3. A player cannot move the piece that was used in the last brownian move made by the adversary.
  4. A player must release the king from a check within the normal move. If that is not possible, the player loses the game.


Sample Games

  Entropy 1: Sample Game
    1. d4   (fd6)  e6    (ed3)  2. h4     (Nge7) Nc6? (Rhd2)
    3. Qh5+ (gf6)  Ng6?? (cd1)  4. Qxg6++ (he7)  1-0
       r . b q k b . r
       p p p p p . . .
       . . n p p p Q .
       . . . . . . . .
       . . . O . . . O
       . . . O . . . .
       O O . R . O O .
       R N B O K B N .


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