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Connect Chess

    Linking the world wide webchess


    Sometime ago (this sentence is getting old one day per day) I thought of new abstract game, called Gonnect, where you apply the GO rules in order to connect two opposite sides of the 19x19 go board. Almost instantly I take that idea and reuse it on chess.


Connect Chess

  1. All Chess rules apply except in the following:
  2. Definition: A Link between 2 pieces (at least one must not be a pawn) occur when one of them could move to the other's square (if it was empty) and they do not share the same rank.
  3. A player wins if he can create a link between a set of his pieces from the 1st to the last rank of the board.

note: A player cannot create a link with two consecutive pawns, they are just used has nodes between two non pawn pieces.


  r B b q k b n r
  p p . p p p p p
  . . n . . . . .
  . . p . O . . .
  . . . . . . . .
  . . . . . N . .
  O O O O . O O O
  R N B . Q R K . is a win for White (Link Qe1->e5<-Bb8).                  (

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