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[1] Joćo Balsa, Luis Antunes, Luis Moniz, and Helder Coelho. Defining policies for GHGs emission control. In António Rocha Costa, editor, Proceedings of the BWSS/SBIA Workshop, 2008. [ bib ]
[2] Joćo Balsa, Luis Antunes, Luis Moniz, and Helder Coelho. Micro to macro effects on the greenhouse gases emission reduction problem. 2008. Poster Presentation at the International Conference on Economic Science with Interacting Heterogeneous Agents (ESHIA). [ bib ]
[3] Luis Antunes, Ana Respķcio, Joćo Balsa, and Helder Coelho. Policy decision support through social simulation. In Frederic Adam and Patrick Humphreys, editors, Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies. Information Science Reference, 2008. [ bib ]
[4] Luis Antunes, Heder Coelho, and Joćo Balsa. Modelling model comparison. In Proceedings of the III Edition of Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation, 2008. Em fase de submissćo/avaliaēćo para a revista JASS (Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation). [ bib ]
[5] Luis Antunes, Joćo Balsa, Paulo Urbano, and Helder Coelho. Benefits form exploiting context permeability in multiple social networks. In Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, 2008. [ bib ]
[6] Paulo Urbano, Joćo Balsa, Luis Antunes, and Luis Moniz. Efficiency of the emergence of consensus in complex networks - assessing force influence. In António Rocha Costa, editor, Proceedings of the BWSS/SBIA Workshop, 2008. [ bib ]

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