António Casimiro

Membership-based Maneuver Negotiation in Safety-critical Vehicular Systems

António Casimiro and Elad M. Schiller

Technical Report, 18-03, Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sweden, January 2018


When agents want to change to its left or right lane, they execute a lane change algorithm to do this maneuver safely. A basic lane change algorithm can be devised, which uses local sensor information and considers virtual bubbles using information provided in a best-effort way by other agents. We propose a lane change algorithm that is more efficient, by using remote information obtained through vehicle cooperation and through an infrastructure-based service.


  author       = "Ant\'{o}nio Casimiro and Elad M. Schiller",
  title        = "Membership-based Maneuver Negotiation in Safety-critical Vehicular Systems",
  institution  = "Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering",
  year         = 2018,
  abstractURL  = "",
  url          = "",
  type         = "",
  number       = "18-03",
  address      = "Swedenl",
  month        = jan,
  keywords     = ""

Technical report

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