António Casimiro

Priority-Based Totally Ordered Multicast

Luís Rodrigues, António Casimiro and Paulo Veríssimo

Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control (AARTC'95), Ostend, Belgium, May 1995


The replicated state-machine approach is a general paradigm to implement fault-tolerant services that is particularly useful in real-time control applications. A totally ordered multicast protocol is a well-known method to enforce replica determinism in this approach. The paper presents an algorithm to provide a totally ordered multicast delivery service that takes priorities into account. The algorithm enforces the inter-replica coordination required to guarantee that high priority messages can be delivered before queued low priority messages that have not been delivered. The algorithm as been implemented as a variant of a protocol designed for local-area networks.


  author       = "Rodrigues, L. and Casimiro, A. and Ver\'{\i}ssimo, P.",
  title        = "Priority-based totally ordered multicast",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC/IFIP workshop on
                  Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control
  year         = "1995",
  abstractURL  = "",
  documentURL  = "",
  pages        = "375--383",
  organization = "IFAC",
  publisher    = "",
  address      = "Ostend-Belgium",
  month        = may,
  keywords     = "Distributed control, Fault-tolerance, Communication
                  protocols, Algorithms, Real-time"


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