This software was compiled for 64bit Windows by Andre Falcao (afalcao at from the source code provided by the Hisat2 authors available at: Three important notes: * The .exe files were compiled with cygwin. For the programs to run, the 3 Cygwin DLLs provided (cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll, cygstdc++-6.dll and cygwin1.dll) must be in the same folder as the .exe files or directly accessible by Windows * The Python code from the original package is provided in a separate Python folder for file organization * The hisat2 file is a PERL script and is the recommended way to run Hisat2 but it requires a PERL interpreter (Strawberry PERL recommended) Finally a disclaimer: I GIVE NO WARRANTIES. I PROVIDE THE .EXE FILES IN THE HOPE THEY MIGHT BE USEFUL. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER.