The Mimetic Colombines


created with NetLogo

view/download model file: MimeticColombines.nlogo


In this project, a colony of micro-painters, liliputian artists, called Colombines, elaborate collectively a painting. Each painter has local perception and follows a set of simple rules, but the group as a whole is able to generate rather sophisticated patterns.

Initially the bi-dimensional and toroidal world has a background colour and the Colombines are scattered randomly on the "tableau". Each Colombine has its own colour which can be changed due to their mimetic behaviour on colour.

Each painter is going to move, from patch to patch, following some "scent", being attracted toward non-painted spots.
Every time he is on a non-painted patch he stamps his own colour on it. Note that this patch is not going to change colour anymore.

Patches have the capacity to diffuse a special stimulus that attracts painters. They can produce it also but only when they are non-painted.

The painters have the capacity to imitate their neighbours. The neighbourhood is defined by the vision slider.

We can have also the Colombines standard behaviour where there is no imitation.


Click the SETUP button to set up the Mimetic Colombines world.

Click the GO button to start the Painting generation

The chemical is shown in a green-to-white gradient.

You can see the chemical gradient clicking on the button Show-chemical
To restore the painting click Restore-painting

The EVAPORATION-RATE slider controls the evaporation rate of the chemical.
The DIFFUSION-RATE slider controls the diffusion rate of the chemical.


The slider imit? defines if there is imitation or not

The slider simple imitation? defines if there is simple imitation or imitation based on force attribute

The slider two-colours? defines if we start with two or a random colour. In the case of two colours we can choose them withs sliders colour1 and colour2.

We can define the background colour with slider background.

the show slider defines if we want to plot or not the tax of the most diffused colour

The vision slider defines the neighbourhood radius

Step-lenght defines the step length of each painter when it moves

We can film with button film

We can decide if we want Colombines or Anti-Colombines. In the Anti-Colombines the painted areas produce chemical and attract painters.






This model was developed at FCUL by Paulo Urbano