Copyright (c) 1979 Christian Freeling

  • PHALANX - A straight line of 2 or more adjacent friendly soldiers (never Kings).
  • MOVE
    • Soldier - moves diagonally forward to an adjacent empty cell. If it reaches last row, it promotes to a King
    • King - slides diagonally a straight line of empty cells.
    • Phalanx - moves diagonally forward to an empty cell. All phalanx' soldiers move in the same direction. The player may choose to move only part of the phalanx, and so, splitting it.
      • In the case of a phalanx reaches the last row, the front soldier promotes to King and the others remain a phalanx.
  • CAPTURE - Capture is mandatory. The player can only move a piece, if it has no captures available. 
    • Phalanx captures precedes single piece's captures (either Soldier or King).
      • If there are more than one capture of the same type, the player must choose the capture that maximizes number of captured pieces (a King counts as one piece).
    • To capture, a phalanx can move forward or backward (always diagonally). If the cell in front of a phalanx is empty and the cell beyond is occupied by an opponent's piece, the phalanx advances to that empty cell and captures:
      • that piece if it is a King or a soldier which not belongs to an opposing phalanx on the same line.
      • an entire phalanx, if that piece is the head of an opposing phalanx on the same line.
    • A single piece may capture both forward and backward and may change direction as often as is required under the condition of majority capture.
      • A soldier that is the head of a phalanx in a particular direction can never capture as a piece in that direction (since phalanx capture comes first), but it may capture on a perpendicular direction. The soldier is then called isolated in the latter direction.
      • A soldier can only start a capture in a direction in which it is isolated. Once the capture starts, the soldier remains isolated by definition for the rest of the turn.
      • If a soldier is isolated on a particular line, and next to it on that line is a empty cell followed by a cell occupied by an opponent's piece, then the soldier captures the piece by making a one step approach onto the empty cell (only that soldier is captured, not an entire phalanx, if any). If it can proceed in a similar way in another direction (including 180o turns), it must do so, taking care beforehand to establish the route that brings the maximum number of captured pieces. Kings count as one piece.
      • A King captures at any distance, an opponent's piece, by sliding onto the last empty cell before it. If it can proceed in a similar way in another direction (including 180o turns), it must do so, taking care beforehand to establish the route that brings maximum number of captured pieces.
      • Only after a multiple capture has taken its complete course, the captured pieces are removed from play.
      • In the course of a multiple capture a piece may visit the same cell more than once, but it may not capture the same piece more than once.
  • GOAL - Wins the player that makes the last move (either by capturing all enemy stones, or by blocking all the remaining pieces).
    • The game ends in a draw after a 3-fold board repetition.
An example

Black to move. He chooses the phalanx move f6e5d4-c3. White only has two valid moves left (i3-j4 or e1-d2). 

After e1-d2, black move something like j8-i7, then i3-j4, j6-k5, j4-i5 (only move) and k7-j6 capturing i5. Black wins by stalemating White.

From the author: I'd like to introduce two terms, tempo and pace. The concept of phalanx movement gives Bushka an unusual flexibility in both. Both concepts tend to lose much of their meaning once kings come into play. Pace is calculated by giving one point to each man on the bottom rank, two points to each man on the second rank, and so on. It does not depend on mobility or the opponent's position (though the difference in pace of course does). Tempo is more difficult to calculate. Roughly speaking it is the number of moves a player has available. In the opening and middle game, it is usually the number of moves a player has available behind a frontline. Since tempo concerns a number of moves, it may (and usually will) be affected by the opponent's moves. [...]  Making much pace is good in an open game: you go for the back rank. Making little pace is good in a closed game: you need tempo-moves behind the front-line. As far as anticipating the nature of the game goes, the decision whether to keep men back is a strategic one.

The capture mechanism is inspired on Fanorona. You can also play and read extensive information about the game at the MindSports Arena. There is a ZRF to play Bushka with Zillions.