
Abstract, 9

Resumo em Português, 11 Acknowledgments, 15

1 Introduction: Anaphora and Reference Processing, 19

1.1 Introduction to the Dissertation , 20

1.2 Anaphora , 23

1.3 Reference Processing , 31

1. 4 Summary , 35

2 Heuristics and Constraints , 37 2.1 The Integrative Framework , 40

2.2 Recent Developments and Lines of Research , 54

2.3 Centering Attention for Anaphor Resolution , 70

2.4 Summary , 87

3 Empirical Universality , 89 3.1 Universal Constraints , 90

3.2 Split Obliqueness and Derived Constructions , 102

3.3 Branching Obliqueness and Subject-orientedness , 111

3.4 Summary , 119

4 Symmetries and Duality , 121 4.1 Long-Distance Reflexives , 122

4.2 New Symmetries with Four Constraints , 135

4.3 The Quantificational Structure of Binding Constraints , 139

4.4 New Insights into Binding , 151

4.5 Summary , 160

5 Formal Semantics , 163 5.1 Obliqueness Quantification in Grammar , 164

5.2 Obliqueness Quantification as a Component of Meaning , 169

5.3 Binding Constraints as Determinants of Meaning Composition , 178

5.4 From Anaphor Resolution to Reference Processing , 183

5.5 Summary , 196

6 Constraint-based Specification , 199 6.1 The Grammatical Knowledge and Processing Framework , 201

6.2 A Module of Linguistic Knowledge at Odds in Grammar , 212

6.3 Binding Constraints in a Constraint-based Framework , 226

6.4 Summary , 250

7 Computational Implementation , 253 7.1 Implementation Formalism , 254

7.2 Implemented Grammar , 262

7.3 Implementation of Binding Constraints , 266

7.4 Summary , 282

8 Conclusions: Summary and Outlook , 283 8.1 Summary of the Dissertation , 285

8.2 From the Angle of Antecedents , 287

8.3 Binding Constraints in Discourse , 289

8.4 Gaps and Linguistic Universals , 294

8.5 Generation of Anaphoric Expressions , 296

8.6 Cognitive Underpinnings , 298

Annex I Implemented Grammar , 307

Annex II Examples , 357

Example 1 , 357

Example 2 , 360

Example 3 , 374

Bibliography, 393

Index of Names , 423

Index of Languages , 427

Index of Definitions , 431